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Allied Information
Allied Structures
Allied Infantry
Allied Units
Allied Tech Tree

Soviet Information
Soviet Structures
Soviet Infantry
Soviet Units
Soviet Tech Tree

Epsilon Information
Epsilon Structures
Epsilon Infantry
Epsilon Units
Epsilon Tech Tree

Foehn Information
Foehn Structures
Foehn Infantry
Foehn Units
Foehn Tech Tree
Stolen Tech Units
Neutral Structures


Soviet Construction Yard
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: +60
  • Hitpoints: 2500
  • Prerequisite: Soviet MCV
  • Purpose: Base Construction
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Soviet Construction Yard is the most important structure in a base. With it, a commander has the capabilities of constructing all Soviet buildings and defenses. This makes the Construction Yard a high priority target for enemies, and must be defended as such in order to maintain any major presence on the battlefield. A Construction Yard provides a small amount of power as well.

Soviet Construction Yard

Additional Information:
  • Automatically repairs itself in mobile form.
  • Can be infiltrated to unlock Stolen Tech units.

Soviet Tesla Reactor
  • Cost: $600
  • Power: +150
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Power Production
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

Tesla Reactors are generators that produce a regenerative feedback loop of electricity that provides cheap, renewable energy to Soviet bases. An electricity current is created and stored in the large containment orb. When the amount of energy exceeds the containment capacity point, a breakdown occurs with the energy discharging to the base, which generates the vivid display of an energy arc and creates a new energy current. Although this makes the Tesla Reactor cost effective, it produces the least amount of overall power compared to other sources.

Soviet Tesla Reactor

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to shut down owner's power for 1:30 minutes.

Soviet Barracks
  • Cost: $500
  • Power: -10
  • Hitpoints: 900
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Infantry Training
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

The towering statue of a Conscript that adorns this structure is meant to inspire awe and pride into any soldier serving the Soviet cause. A compact and instantly recognizable building, the Soviet Barracks allows a commander to train basic and advanced Soviet infantry. It also allows construction of basic defenses. The more Barracks are on the field, the faster infantry are trained.

Soviet Barracks with Soviet infantry

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to acquire veteran infantry training.

Soviet Ore Refinery
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: -40
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Resource Gathering
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Ore Refinery is a technologically complex building completely outfitted to receive and process raw ore from miners and instantly receive monetary transactions for the ore while on the battlefield. This makes this structure a vital asset to any base economy.

Soviet Ore Refinery with a War Miner

Additional Information:
  • Deploys a free War Miner when built.
  • Can be infiltrated to steal $5000 from its owner.
  • Soviet Industrial Plant will decrease its price.

Soviet Field Bureau
  • Cost: $800
  • Power: -50
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Combat Support, Infantry Imprisonment
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

The Field Bureau is an important Soviet intelligence building on the battlefield. Construction of this structure marks the first step of a local technology advancement for basic weapon branches. But the most important feature of these is the capability to imprison and research the weapons of the enemies.

Using the Drakuv Prison Vehicle, which can be deployed from a Field Bureau once a Radar Dish is constructed for additional intel gathering, it is possible to capture enemy soldiers and move them into this building in order to analyze the weapons and equipment they are using. Afterwards, these soldiers can be trained by the owner of the Field Bureau which has taken the prisoner in. Keep in mind, that if an enemy infiltrator enters this building, all data regarding the captured technology will be lost.

Soviet Field Bureau with a Drakuv Prison Vehicle

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to reset the captured infantry tech.

SUPPORT POWER #1: Instant Shelter
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 5:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to instantly deploy a Battle Bunker with 2 Conscripts already hiding inside it on the battlefield. The Battle Bunker deployed with this support power will not keep you in the game, if Short Game is on.

SUPPORT POWER #2: Drakuv Prison Vehicle
  • Cost: #1800
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Radar Dish

This support power can deploy a Drakuv Prison Vehicle somewhere near one of the Field Bureaus on the battlefield. These units can be used to capture enemy troops or heal the wounded troops. Read more.

Soviet War Factory
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Prerequisite: Tesla Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Unit Production
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

Perhaps one of the most vital buildings for the Soviets. The War Factory allows the construction of a myriad of armored vehicles on the battlefield, which the Soviets use to steamroll their opponents. The more War Factories a commander has on the field, the faster vehicles are built.

The Soviet War Factory additionally provides access to the Soviet Repair Drone drop, and with an Industrial Plant available it can even deploy two of them at once.

Soviet War Factory with basic Soviet tanks

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to acquire veteran unit training.

SUPPORT POWER #1A: Repair Drone
  • Cost: $900
  • Recharge Time: 4:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

Drop a hovering Repair Drone anywhere. Speed: 9, Hitpoints: 250, Armor Class: Light, Amphibious.

SUPPORT POWER #1B: Repair Drones
  • Cost: $1200
  • Recharge Time: 4:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Industrial Plant

When an Industrial Plant is available on the field, this will drop 2 Repair Drones anywhere.

Soviet Naval Shipyard
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Prerequisite: Tesla Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Naval Unit Production
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

A must on any battlefield with large bodies of water. The Soviet Naval Shipyard allows for the construction of Soviet ships and submersibles, and easily repairs any damaged vessels. The more Shipyards a commander has on the field, the faster ships are built.

Soviet Naval Shipyard with a Typhoon Sub

Additional Information:
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Does not expand base building area.

  • Cost: $400
  • Recharge Time: 3:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

This support power will deploy a stationary underwater Naval Mine in the vicinity of one of the Naval Shipyards. The Mine will explode and deal plenty of damage to enemy units that get within its range.
Naval Mine - Range: 3, Hitpoints: 800, Purpose: Naval Defense, Armor Class: Naval Mine.

Soviet Radar Dish
  • Cost: $1500
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Prerequisite: Tesla Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Radar, Spy Plane, Tech Access
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

The Soviet Radar Dish is essentially a modernized version of the Radar Dome from the previous war against the Allies - a fragile building equipped with a wide selection of electronics and surveillance devices. The Radar Dish provides a commander with the radar mini-map and the access to more advanced technology. It is the essential structure for the construction of any of the advanced Soviet laboratories. Additionally, a Soviet commander can call in a Spy Plane in order to provide intel on unknown territory.

Soviet Radar Dish with a Spy Plane

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to reshroud its owner's map.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 4:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

A fast Spy Plane will remove the shroud from any location you need. Can be launched using the mini-map.

Soviet Airbase
  • Cost: $1000
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1100
  • Prerequisite: Tesla Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Aircraft Production
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

Many long years have passed before the Soviets were able to restore their mighty airforce. Initially, during the Soviet invasion of the United States, the Red Army resorted to using giant blimps to bombard enemy positions from the skies but not many jets were seen. Finally after their attack on the American aeronautics complexes all over the country, necessary tech was acquired to develop the next-gen of Soviet jet fighters. The Soviet Airbase exists to produce and maintain them.

Soviet Airbase with Foxtrot fighters

Soviet Nuclear Reactor
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: +2000
  • Hitpoints: 1400
  • Prerequisite: Radar Dish
  • Purpose: Advanced Power Production
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

Though the Allies may have banned the use of nuclear fission for energy due to the high environmental risks it carries, the Soviets have no such qualms. A single Nuclear Reactor generates enough power to satisfy most of an average Soviet base's needs. However, they are large and vulnerable structures. Destruction of one will result in a cataclysmic meltdown and the resulting explosion can cripple a base.

Soviet Nuclear Reactor

Additional Information:
  • Explodes violently when destroyed.
  • Can be infiltrated to shut down owner's power for 2 minutes.

Soviet Nuclear Converter
  • Cost: $800
  • Power: -400
  • Hitpoints: -
  • Prerequisite: Radar Dish + Nuclear Reactor
  • Purpose: Nuclear Support
  • Armor Class: -

The expansion of SteinsTech, Kanegawa Industries or PsiCorps for the Soviets was a proof of one thing - war drives research forward. It was foreseeable the Soviet system would not let their enemies overtake them in technological developments. Thus, they have been upgrading some of their Nuclear Reactors with massive extensions for advanced nuclear-based weapons development.

These Nuclear Converters sacrifice a significant bit of a Reactor's power output, in order to grant the Soviet armies access to a vast array of new deadly utilities.

Soviet Nuclear Converter

SUPPORT POWER #1A: Irradiation Beta
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Owner (Target), Enemies (Damage)

Mechanical units affected by this support power will emit a deadly radiation field, damaging troops and units nearby for 30 seconds. This field will not damage the units that belong to the owner or his allies.

SUPPORT POWER #1B: Irradiation Gamma

This support power replaces Irradiation Beta for China.
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 5:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Owner (Target), Enemies (Damage)

Mechanical units affected by this support power will emit an even deadlier radiation field, damaging troops and units nearby for 36 seconds. This field will not damage the units that belong to the owner or his allies.

  • Cost: $1200
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Soviet Airbase
  • Affects Players: All

Two Soviet unmanned Wastelot jets will reach and crash onto the designated area, leaving deadly radioactive waste for a short period of time. Shooting them down reduces the amount of released payload.

SUPPORT POWER #2B: Pack Attack

This support power replaces Rad Attack for China.
  • Cost: $1500
  • Recharge Time: 7:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Soviet Airbase
  • Affects Players: All

China has built many more Wastelots than the other two Soviet armies, thus four unmanned Wastelot jets will reach and crash onto the designated area, leaving deadly radioactive waste for a short period of time.

SUPPORT POWER #3A: Disruptor

This support power is unique to Russia.
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Palace
  • Affects Players: Enemies

The Disruptor is capable of irradiating the air above with a dose high enough to disrupt and even damage enemy air force. For its limited duration, not only will the aircraft take damage as long as they remain in its vicinity, their firepower will also be affected and decreased by 20%.

SUPPORT POWER #3B: Nuclear Path

This support power is unique to China.
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Atomheart
  • Affects Players: Owner

The Chinese found use for all the excess material from their Nuclear Reactors. Once processed at the Converter with the tech from the Atomheart, a special type of fuel is created, which for 3 minutes will increase a vehicle's firepower and speed by 25%, while making it 25% more vulnerable to enemy fire.

Russian Palace
  • Cost: $5000
  • Power: -300
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Prerequisite: Radar Dish
  • Purpose: High Tech Access
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

This structure is unique to Russia.

This majestic construct provides a Russian commander with the most powerful technology their arsenal has to offer. Though the boons are many, the building is very costly and fragile, and should be well protected as the Soviet technology advancement method is simple but expensive.

The Palace doesn't only unlock the most powerful of Russian weapons, it provides access to two paradrop powers such as the Tank Drop and the Terror Drop. It also allows the Soviet commander to use Overcharge on his tesla units to heighten their combat potential.

Russian Palace

Additional Information:

SUPPORT POWER #1: Elite Reserves
  • Cost: $1500
  • Recharge Time: 8:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

This support power will enable the production of elite Tier 1 infantry, Tier 1 ground and naval units, War Miners, Demolition Trucks, Bomb Buggies and Mosquito Demoboats, for 1:30 minutes.

  • Cost: $2400
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

This support power will send a pair of Cargo Planes to drop a set of special Russian vehicles, 2 Hydra Cannons and 2 Tank Killers, anywhere on the battlefield. Their price is not affected by the Industrial Plant.
Hydra Cannon & Tank Killer - Speed: 6, Hitpoints: 450, Armor Class: Medium, Range: 6.5.

SUPPORT POWER #3: Terror Drop
  • Cost: $1100
  • Recharge Time: 5:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

Drop 2 Terror Drones anywhere on the battlefield. Their price not affected by the Industrial Plant.

SUPPORT POWER #4: Overcharge
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 5:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team

Use this to boost the firepower of all units equipped with Tesla weaponry by 50% for 20 seconds.

Latin Confederation Battle Lab
  • Cost: $5000
  • Power: -300
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Prerequisite: Radar Dish
  • Purpose: High Tech Access
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

This structure is unique to Latin Confederation.

More of a hideout, storage and assembly facility than a research site, the Battle Lab is where the Latin Confederation's engineers put together their explosive traps, prepare napalm weapons and produce smoke bombs. It is said there are no secrets hidden in a Latin Confederation's Battle Lab as there is no big science behind their weapons. They utilize what is deemed outdated by many, sold to the countries of the Confederation by the Russians after the latter modernized their arsenal. However, in the hands of this unpredictable army, these old weapons might be used in ways not seen before.

Latin Confederation Battle Lab

Additional Information:

SUPPORT POWER #1: Elite Reserves
  • Cost: $1500
  • Recharge Time: 8:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

This support power will enable the production of elite Tier 1 infantry, Tier 1 ground and naval units, War Miners, Demolition Trucks, Bomb Buggies and Mosquito Demoboats, for 1:30 minutes.

SUPPORT POWER #2: Motor Ambush
  • Cost: $2000
  • Recharge Time: 5:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

3 Mortar Quads will instantly ambush the enemy at the designated position.

SUPPORT POWER #3: Flame Tower
  • Cost: $500
  • Recharge Time: 4:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

A modernized Flame Tower will emerge from a ring of fire at the designated position. The unleashed fire will damage infantry nearby. The Flame Tower will not keep you in the game, if Short Game is on.
Flame Tower - Range: 6.5, Hitpoints: 650, Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Armor Class: Defensive Structure.

SUPPORT POWER #4: Smoke Bombs
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Enemies

This power will drop a long series of smoke bombs on the battlefield with a dedicated Sandstorm aircraft to decrease the firepower of enemy units in the designated area by 50% for a short period of time.

Chinese Atomheart
  • Cost: $5000
  • Power: -300
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Prerequisite: Radar Dish
  • Purpose: High Tech Access
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

This structure is unique to China.

The Chinese Atomheart is a key structure that allows a Chinese commander to utilize the advanced EMP and nuclear technologies on the battlefield. These two, supported with the Chinese signature earthquake-generating missile called the Wallbuster, give them the upper hand over their enemies in the harsh battle conditions. The Atomheart also houses the tech required for the construction of the ultimate Chinese siege machine - the Centurion. If an Atomheart is present on the battlefield, you can be sure that enemy positions will be struck with powerful missile strikes, while the radiation and nuclear weapons will finish them off, proving that China exceeds in raw firepower.

To make the advanced research possible, the Atomheart has a small nuclear reactor of its own for research. When destroyed, it will explode similarly to the Nuclear Reactor, albeit much less violently.

Chinese Atomheart

Additional Information:
  • Explodes when destroyed.
  • Can be infiltrated to unlock Stolen Tech units.

SUPPORT POWER #1: Elite Reserves
  • Cost: $1500
  • Recharge Time: 8:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

This support power will enable the production of elite Tier 1 infantry, Tier 1 ground and naval units, War Miners, Demolition Trucks, Bomb Buggies and Mosquito Demoboats, for 1:30 minutes.

SUPPORT POWER #2: Wallbuster
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 8:30 (9:30 in Fortress mode)
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

The Atomheart can launch a special Wallbuster missile, designed to destroy enemy fortifications and walls anywhere on the battlefield. Do note that this missile is not very effective against anything else.

Soviet Industrial Plant
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 1100
  • Prerequisite: Any Soviet Lab
  • Purpose: Economy Support
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

Advancements in robotics allow Soviet commanders to build Industrial Plants: buildings which provide high tech construction drones, allowing for 25% increase in production speed and 25% cost decrease for all vehicles, ships and aircraft. Though the initial investment in constructing a Plant is costly, the long-term benefits of churning out cheaper vehicles at an increased rate should be attractive to any commander.

The presence of this building on the battlefield additionally directly influences the amount of experience required by its owner's vehicles and aircraft to be promoted to the next level. The Industrial Plant will also allow its owner to deploy two Repair Drones at once if a War Factory is present.

Soviet Industrial Plant

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Cannot be captured.
  • All prices of vehicles, ships and aircraft are cut by 25%.
  • Experience required for veteran/elite status is cut by 25%.
  • Provides additional income like a single Tech Oil Derrick.
  • Can be infiltrated to reveal the owner's current money amount.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 7:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Owner

All of the War Factories and the Industrial Plant you own will be shut down for 60 seconds, giving you $3000 in return, while the crew performs maintenance and replacements on the equipment in them.

Soviet Iron Curtain Device
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 1150
  • Prerequisite: Any Soviet Lab
  • Purpose: Unit Protection
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The previous iteration of the Iron Curtain Device was a huge success for the Soviets and warranted an upgrade. Now capable of making up to nine vehicles or a few buildings impervious to damage, with an increased shield duration and immunity to mind control, the Iron Curtain is a bigger threat than ever.

Soviet Iron Curtain Device

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this superweapon's timer.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team

All mechanical units and buildings affected by Iron Curtain will become invulnerable for 40 seconds.

Soviet Tactical Nuke Silo
  • Cost: $5000
  • Power: -400
  • Hitpoints: 1350
  • Prerequisite: Any Soviet Lab
  • Purpose: Tactical Nuke Strike
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

For a long time, resolutions and treaties were created to limit the deployment of nuclear weaponry. Sadly, these agreements were cast out by the Soviets when they attacked the United States. The Tactical Nuke Silo builds, arms, and launches nuclear missiles. Infamous for its sheer destructive capabilities, the nuclear missile is an imposing weapon used only in the most dire of situations.

Soviet Tactical Nuke Silo

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this superweapon's timer.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 10:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

The small sister of the fearsome MIDAS bomb, produced on a larger scale and carried by missiles that fly at much lower altitudes than those fired by the mobile Topol-M units. A tactical nuclear missile strike will turn everything in its range to ashes, and leave a field of radiation to slowly eliminate unlikely survivors.


Soviet Fortress Walls
  • Cost: $100
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 400
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Passive Defense
  • Armor Class: Heavy Structure

Fortress Walls are the last line of defense for a Soviet commander. Cheap and quickly built, they serve as an early deterrence to infantry and light vehicles. They are also essential for protecting vulnerable structures against enemy infiltration or capture.

Soviet Fortress Walls

Soviet Gates
  • Cost: $250
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 400
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Passive Defense
  • Armor Class: Heavy Structure

Automatic gates are used to keep enemies out while still allowing friendly units to pass by defenses. Great for prying spies from getting into your base too easily, but don't rely on them too much.

Soviet Gates

Soviet Sentry Gun
  • Cost: $400
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Range: 6
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: 'Vulcan' MG (x2)

Sentry Guns are automated turrets outfitted with dual chain guns in order to combat enemy infantry and light vehicles. Though not equipped to deal with more heavily armored units, the Sentry Gun works well as a preliminary frontline defense of the Soviet outposts.

Soviet Sentry Gun

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.

Soviet Flak Cannon
  • Cost: $700
  • Power: -50
  • Hitpoints: 800
  • Range: 12
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Anti-Air Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Flak Cannon

The Flak Cannon is the premier Soviet anti-aircraft defense. The cannon lobs numerous large flak shells at incredible speeds towards incoming aerial targets. Once the shell hits a target, it explodes into smaller pellets, shredding other nearby aircraft.

Soviet Flak Cannon

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.

Soviet Battle Bunker
  • Cost: $500
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 900
  • Range: 6
  • Prerequisite: Field Bureau
  • Purpose: Garrisonable Defense
  • Armor Class: Big Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Various

In order to increase the survivability of Soviet troops, specialized Battle Bunkers were developed to protect them, allowing troops to fire upon more imposing threats without being instantly incapacitated or killed. In addition to the standard methods of construction, the Instant Shelter support power lets a Soviet commander deploy one of these anywhere on the battlefield, with 2 Conscripts already inside.

Soviet Battle Bunker

Additional Information:
  • Can be garrisoned by up to 6 infantry units.

Soviet Tesla Coil
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: -75
  • Hitpoints: 850
  • Range: 8
  • Prerequisite: Radar Dish
  • Purpose: Advanced Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Tesla Coil

Soviet Tesla Coils have always brought hesitation and sometimes even fear to even the most hardened of Allied soldiers. Men reduced to ash in the blink of an eye and tanks ripped apart by powerful discharges of pure electricity makes commanders of all factions wary of this potent base defense. The Tesla Coil has been redesigned to allow Tesla Troopers to lend additional charge to the coil, making its arcs even more powerful, and even allowing it to function without base power.

Soviet Tesla Coil

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.
  • 1 Tesla or Shock Trooper can increase a Tesla Coil's firepower.
  • 1 Tesla or Shock Trooper will add short a EMP effect to a Tesla Coil's bolt.
  • 2 Tesla or Shock Troopers can make it work even when the base is on low power.
  • Overcharge will increase a Tesla Coil's firepower by 50% for 20 seconds.

Soviet Sensor Tower
  • Cost: $800
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 650
  • Range: 10 / 10 (Anti-Air)
  • Prerequisite: Radar Dish
  • Purpose: Disguise & Stealth Detection, Scout Denial
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Spotlight

The Soviet Sensor Towers became a widespread structure in Soviet bases after Yuri's PsiCorps has defected and a number of unexplained attacks has taken place. According to the collected battlefield intel it was assumed that Yuri is not only capable of creating false images in people's minds, but also collectively affect their perception of reality and has designed an entire technology around it.

The Sensor Tower is capable of detecting objects which a human eye cannot see due to the interference with their minds. They can also detect charges placed by Crazy Ivans or Arsonists, and spies who have disguised themselves as the enemy troops. Additionally, a spotlight on top of the tower will highlight enemy ground and air objects in its range, making them more exposed to damage.

This building has one more very useful function: it will hamper the effects of enemy scouting powers and make it impossible for the enemies of the Soviets to deploy such in the Sensor Tower's vicinity.

Soviet Sensor Tower

Additional Information:
  • Can find Ivan, Arsonist and Repulsor bombs (Bomb Sight: 9).
  • Can detect disguised, cloaked and submerged units (Sensors Range: 9).
  • Units marked by the Sensor Tower's spotlight will take by 15% more damage.
  • Scout powers (Spy Sat, Spy Plane, Raven, Recon Sortie) can't be used around it (Range: 9).

Soviet Hammer Defense
  • Cost: $1800
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: 1650
  • Range: 14
  • Prerequisite: Any Soviet Lab
  • Purpose: Long-range Defense
  • Armor Class: Big Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Quake Generator

Hammer Defenses are massive structures developed to disrupt and destroy large amounts of enemies from a distance. A large column of steel pounds the ground, generating a wave of seismic activity. Through underground steering mechanisms, the wave is channeled and directed towards incoming enemies. To protect the building from its own weapon, the Hammer has a minimum range.

Soviet Hammer Defense

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 4
  • Can gain experience.

Latin Confederation Smoke Turret
  • Cost: $900
  • Power: -50
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Range: 12
  • Prerequisite: Latin Battle Lab
  • Purpose: Support Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Smoke Cannon (x2)

This structure is unique to Latin Confederation.

Among the additional weapons, unique to the Latin Confederation, which rely on creating smoke screen, comes the Smoke Turret. This simple but useful contraption launches volleys of smoke projectiles which blind their enemies if they do not possess adequate navigation equipment. The Smoke Turret is cheap, effective and has great range. With enough spread of the weapon it fires, it can easily decrease the combat potential of incoming enemies, including some of the artillery units.

Latin Confederation Smoke Turret

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 2
  • Smoke weapon halves the firepower of targeted units for 8 seconds.

Soviet Repair Crane
  • Cost: $900
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Prerequisite: Any Soviet Lab
  • Purpose: Active Unit Repair
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure

Cranes are simple buildings built in Soviet bases to automatically repair nearby friendly vehicles at regular intervals. Note that Cranes cannot remove Terror Drones, as a Repair Drone is needed for such a task. The repair effects of Cranes don't overlap, so there is no need to place them close to each other.

Soviet Repair Crane

Additional Information:
  • Does not expand base building area.

Chinese EMP Control Station
  • Cost: $1000
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Prerequisite: Chinese Atomheart
  • Purpose: EM Pulse
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

This structure is unique to China.

Due to their chosen technological path and strategy, the Chinese put large emphasis on their EMP technology. The EMP Control Station has been designed with one purpose in mind: to stop the faster enemy tanks which are trying to outmaneuver the slow Chinese machines in one spot. By directing enough energy into this building, the Chinese are capable of creating an effective EM Pulse anywhere on the battlefield whenever the weapon has fully charged. The pulse created with this device has the largest area effect of all EMP weapons that the Chinese have developed so far.

Chinese EMP Control Station

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this support power's timer.

  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

When fired, the EMP Control Station will create a powerful electromagnetic pulse, which will shut down all ground vehicles in the designated area for 24 seconds, and all naval units for 12 seconds.

Chinese EMP Mines
  • Cost: $300
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 150
  • Range: Close
  • Prerequisite: Chinese Atomheart
  • Purpose: Advanced Hidden Defense
  • Armor Class: Land Mine
  • Weapon: EMP Charge

This structure is unique to China.

EMP Mines are simple defenses used at choke points or other important locations. Though the blast of a Mine can kill or heavily injure infantry, the most prominent feature is that it can disable enemy vehicles for a significant amount of time. Either giving a Soviet commander more time to set up his defenses, or acting as a trap on the path of unsuspecting enemies, the EMP Mines are a contraption to be feared.

Chinese EMP Mines

Additional Information:
  • Cloaked.
  • Immune to freeze effects.
  • Can be repaired by repair vehicles.
  • Will be placed as a 1x1 object to fill free 4 cells nearby with the mines.

Soviet Iron Guard
  • Cost: $1800
  • Power: -300
  • Hitpoints: 700
  • Prerequisite: Iron Curtain Device
  • Purpose: Active Invulnerability
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure

The Soviets have long needed an answer to the Allied Gap Generator technology. In the end, what the Soviets could not hide on radars or beneath the shroud, they've decided to cover with impenetrable armor created on the same principlies the Iron Curtain Device makes use of. Thus came the Iron Guard, a structure that immediately gives an impression of a miniature Iron Curtain, more akin to the decomissioned version used during the Second Great War.

The Iron Guard will make all vehicles nearby indestructible for as long as the device is powered or they don't leave its range. Unfortunately, due to high energy requirement and general instability of this experimental Iron Curtain model, a very limited amount of these devices can be maintained at once.

Soviet Iron Guard

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 2
  • Cannot be captured.

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