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  • Cost: $900
  • Speed: 6 / 10 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 510
  • Armor Class: Harvester
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Resource Collection, Unit Repair
  • Equipment: Nano Repair System
  • Range: 4

Minermites are small AI-controlled drones, designed to harvest valuable ore from the ground, and deliver it to Foehn refineries to increase the amount of Foehn commanders' funds for war efforts. Under their armor hides a downsized version of a windspin engine, capable of increasing their speed whenever a Minermite comes close to one of the Spinblades. This feature has resulted in the creation of Spinblade-appointed mining paths around the Foehn bases and at its expansion sites.

When a Minermite is on its own, it can be easily destroyed, as its body can't withstand much damage. However, in groups they manifest their true potential: as they can actively repair any mechanical units, themselves included, larger groups of Minermites become very hard to destroy. Having equipped both a windspin engine and a load of nanomachines for repairs, means the already small Minermite doesn't have much of a storage space. For each of your enemy's harvesters you should have two Minermites at least.

Foehn Minermite

Additional Information:
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Immune to poison.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.

  • Cost: $700
  • Speed: 9
  • Hitpoints: 260
  • Armor Class: Light
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory
  • Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
  • Weapons: 'Golden Rocket' Launcher
  • Range: 11 (Anti-Air)

The Teratorn is Foehn's primary anti-aircraft drone. Compared to the basic anti-aircraft units of the other warring factions, it is not capable of targeting ground objects, meaning it is defenseless against tanks and infantry. Its only purpose is to target, lock on and destroy enemy air force, whenever within its range.

Teratorn's weapon is the uniquely designed 'golden rocket', which is a fast, durable and highly explosive weapon. To ensure a hit, the Teratorn will take a moment to analyze its target's movements, before firing the rocket. While it does result in a short delay before the projectile is launched, the raw firepower of such rocket is worth the time for lock-on, and the drone is still capable of targeting and firing on the move.

Foehn Teratorn

Additional Information:
  • Immune to poison.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Can enter Tank Bunkers.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Has to lock on a target before firing its weapon.
  • Its firepower can be enhanced by 15% near a deployed SODAR Array.

Cyclops Walker
  • Cost: $800
  • Speed: 6
  • Hitpoints: 450
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapon: 110mm Cannon
  • Range: 7

This unit is unique to Haihead.

During the early design phases for the Haihead's main battle unit, a consensus was reached among the Foehn engineers, that in order to maximize its combat potential in harsh environments, the concept of a classic tank on treads must be scrapped and replaced with something more flexible. The idea that followed was a successor to the Tsurugi - a large, mass-produced mechanical walker, with advanced computer support systems to make it as adaptable to the battlefield as possible. Thus, the Cyclops was born, a "tank" like no other, capable of outclassing most of the competing machines, if operated by a skilled pilot.

In accordance with the Haihead's doctrine, which is to deal as much damage in a small time window as possible, the Cyclops doesn't waste a moment on rotating its turret when facing its targets. What's more, it is capable of increasing its accuracy against targets that get too close, due to the additional vertical movement range its head-turret has. In Cyclops' close range, each of its shots hits harder than usual.

Haihead Cyclops Walker

Additional Information:
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Receives a 100% firepower bonus when in close combat.

Draco Light Tank
  • Cost: $750
  • Speed: 5 / 9 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 420
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapon: 100mm Cannon
  • Range: 6

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

The weapon designs of the Wings of Coronia all share similar traits: they were designed to be extremely mobile, and capable of using the manipulation of winds to their full extent. The Coronian forces also heavily rely on flying units, which is prevalent even in the design of their main battle tank, the Draco. This tank is another example of a unit equipped with a windspin engine, which allows them to keep up with other fast units on the battlefield, during scouting missions and hit'n'run attacks on enemy positions.

The key piece in the Draco's design, however, is the ability to release its turret as an autonomous flying drone, in case of the vehicle's demise. When this tank is destroyed, the Autoturret will activate its own engines and detach from the main body, ascending to the sky to continue the fight from above. These drones won't withstand much damage, but might be enough to give the Foehn commanders the advantage, especially when their enemies possess scarce anti-air weapons.

Coronian Draco Light Tank and Draco Autoturret

Additional Information:
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Likely to release its turret as an autonomous flying drone when destroyed.
  • Draco Autoturret - Speed: 36 (Flying), Hitpoints: 180, Armor Class: Light Aircraft

Bison Combat Tank
  • Cost: $900
  • Speed: 4
  • Hitpoints: 530
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapon: 110mm Cannon
  • Range: 6

This unit is unique to Last Bastion.

The sturdy design of Last Bastion's Bison Combat Tanks favors stationary combat, rather than battling on the move. When the Bison is heavily damaged, it releases its own nanomachines, which will then rapidly repair the damaged areas. These nanomachines work faster, and with an increased effectiveness, if the Bison is not moving during the repair process. The Bison also makes use of nanites released by the Mastodon through a Nanocharge much more effectively than other Foehn vehicles.

While the nanomachines are capable of restoring a Bison's armor and weapon systems to their fully operational state, the duration of their effect is not infinite. If a Bison is continuously under fire or on the move, the nanites will eventually need to regenerate, temporarily ceasing the repair operations. This often makes the decision of keeping a Bison in one spot or on the move crucial to this tank's survival.

Last Bastion Bison Combat Tank

Additional Information:
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Can enter Tank Bunkers.
  • Will release nanites for self-repairs when heavily damaged.
  • Self-repairs are more effective when the Bison is not moving.
  • Repairs twice as fast from Nanocharge compared to other units.

Jackal Racer
  • Cost: $750
  • Speed: 8 / 12 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 360
  • Armor Class: Light
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Transport
  • Weapon: Sonic Wave
  • Range: 6

The Jackal Racer is considered as one of the more important units in the Foehn arsenal, and there are several key factors that emphasize its position in the entire tech tree. First of all, while the Racer is fast on its own, its true speed can be achieved with its Spinblade-compatible windspin engines. Combined with an ability to levitate above the terrain, it becomes one of the faster units that can also cross water zones.

Moreover, the Jackal acts as an amphibious transport for Foehn infantry, which is a huge advantage over the other factions as only a War Factory is required for their construction. The passenger is capable of shooting from inside of the Jackal Racer, making it an ideal combat transport. Additionally, the unit's weapon, a crystal-amplified sonic wave, allows it to vaporize enemy infantry before they can even blink. The wave will damage every object it goes through, and can be fired as the Jackal moves.

The Jackal is not without its drawbacks, as it is a relatively expensive low-tech unit and its chassis is not very resistant to enemy fire. Regardless, they are very effective units for advanced hit'n'run tactics.

Foehn Jackal Racer

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Has 1 passenger slot.
  • Passengers can fire from the Jackal Racer.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Level 1 passenger survivability rate (rookie: 50%, veteran: 65%, elite: 80%).

Foehn Mobile Construction Vehicle
  • Cost: $3000
  • Speed: 4
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cloud Piercer
  • Purpose: Base Construction
  • Weapon: -
  • Range: -

The Mobile Construction Vehicle, or MCV, is the most vital component in any military operation. The MCV is a massive vehicle with the ability to deploy into the Construction Yard, the heart of any base. With it, a commander can create any military building they see fit. Protecting the MCV is a must if you wish to maintain any presence on the battlefield. Due to the technology and resources used in an MCV, the cost of building one is very high, but the expanding of your base using another MCV may prove more useful than you think. The Foehn MCV provides all the necessary materials to build a base.

Foehn Mobile Construction Vehicle

Additional Information:
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Immune to abduction.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Automatically repairs itself.

  • Cost: $950
  • Speed: 7
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Class: Light
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cloud Piercer
  • Purpose: Stealth Detection, 'Golden Rocket' Enhancer
  • Equipment: SODAR
  • Range: 13

Yuri's psychic illusion technology is a major threat to the Foehn forces, as the constant attacks by cloaked and subterranean units brought many casualties to the Revolt's armies. A dedicated unit for early detection and warning became neessary, and the answer was the SOnic Detection And Ranging system. Using a wind profiler based on the Foehn's air manipulation technology, it became possible to measure and read the scattering of sound waves by atmospheric turbulence, and detect any sort of suspicious activity from objects not noticeable with the human eye or standard radars. In order for the system to work fully, an amphibious SODAR Array must be deployed first, be it on the land or in the water.

The SODAR Array is also capable of collecting and sending data on wind behavior to the units equipped with the 'Golden Rockets'. This data allows them to read the target coordinates and modify the rocket's flight path more accurately, so that it strikes with bigger precision and can deal even more damage.

Foehn SODAR Array

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Can be deployed in water.
  • Immune to omni crush when deployed.
  • Not affected by speed debuffers when deployed.
  • Will increase firepower of all units that use the 'Golden Rocket' by 15%.
  • Can detect cloaked and submerged units (Sensors Range: 4 / 13 when deployed).
  • Can find Ivan, Arsonist and Repulsor bombs (Bomb Sight: 4 / 13 when deployed).

  • Cost: $850
  • Speed: 10
  • Hitpoints: 240
  • Armor Class: Light
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cyberkernel
  • Purpose: Weapon & Support Power Jamming, Sabotage
  • Weapons: ECM Systems
  • Range: 9.5 / 10.5 (Anti-Air)

Do not underestimate it because of its size and appearance - the Raccoon is a crucial weapon in the Foehn arsenal. Those buggies have an unique method of dealing with threats: the jammer mounted on its top is capable of shutting down most of enemy units' weapon control systems. This device makes enemy ground vehicles and aircraft unable to fire their weapons properly, essentially rendering them useless in combat.

Additionally, the jammer can disable enemy structures, be it a power plant, a factory or a defense. The Raccoons have quite a decent range, thus they are often seen on the battlefield during base sieges, hiding behind the main strike force. Raccoons are not very resistant, so they should avoid getting hit directly.

The Raccoon's ace up its sleeve is a small onboard signal inhibitor, which blocks an enemy commander's ability to choose the target for a support power or superweapon launch in the Raccoon's vicinity. Since the Raccoon is not powered by external sources, like the Signal Inhibitor is, the only way to get rid of this effect is to destroy the Raccoon or disable it with EMP or freeze.

Foehn Raccoon

Additional Information:
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Can enter Tank Bunkers.
  • Can disable any powered structure.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Can affect units inside Tank Bunkers.
  • Can disable most of the enemy units' weapons.
  • Blocks support powers and superweapons in a radius of 6 around it.
  • Only scout support powers can ignore the Raccoon's jamming.

  • Cost: $900
  • Speed: 8 / 12 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 280
  • Armor Class: Light
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cyberkernel
  • Purpose: Weapon & Support Power Jamming, Sabotage
  • Weapons: ECM Systems
  • Range: 9.5 / 10.5 (Anti-Air)

This unit replaces the Raccoon for Haihead.

The Haihead forces need additional versatility to be able to fight in the most demanding of environments, which results in them having to adapt to all types of terrain whenever possible. Relying heavily on the advanced signal interference technologies, Haihead's strike teams quickly found the standard Raccoon difficult to utilize and underperforming in regions filled with isles, swamps and other obstacles.

To enhance their active support capabilities, they have prepared a new variant of the unit, customized for all-terrain operations. This heavily modified version, codenamed Hovracoon, has acquired the capability to cross rivers and other difficult areas, and even the compatibility with Spinblades for speed boosts, while retaining all the functions and features of a standard Raccoon.

Haihead Hovracoon

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Can disable any powered structure.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Can affect units inside Tank Bunkers.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Can disable most of the enemy units' weapons.
  • Blocks support powers and superweapons in a radius of 6 around it.
  • Only scout support powers can ignore the Hovracoon's jamming.

  • Cost: $1300
  • Speed: 26 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 440
  • Armor Class: Medium Aircraft
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cloud Piercer
  • Purpose: Assault, Anti-Aircraft, Infantry Traps
  • Weapons: IHMG (x2) / Stun Traps
  • Range: 7 / 7.5 (Anti-Air) / Close

The Revolt does not utilize standard jets as all of their aircraft can remain in air virtually indefinitely due to their wind manipulation tech. This has allowed them to deploy these powerful aircraft, at a low cost of physical and technological resources. The Buzzard exists to aid the Foehn troops and tanks in combat from above, with its double set of dual integrated heavy machine guns. It has two of these for dealing with the enemy infantry and light vehicles on the ground, and two separate ones for eliminating the flying threats.

While the idea behind the Buzzard is rather straightforward compared to the other, more exotic designs of the Revolt, its importance in the Foehn army is unquestionable. Even though Foehn specializes in unique flying weapon designs, often capable of manipulating the air in which they move, most of those are utilized by the Wings of Coronia for their devastating raids from the sky. The Buzzard's simple but effective design allows it performs well as a support to both frail, but powerful attackers of Haihead, but also as an excellent companion unit to the Coronian Pteranodon. Additionally, the Buzzard can release stun traps on the ground, to temporarily immobilize any infantry, which come into contact with them.

Foehn Buzzard

Additional Information:
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Deploy to drop stun traps, which can immobilize infantry.
  • Stun traps will be active for 50 seconds and self-destruct.

  • Cost: $1400
  • Speed: 24 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 480
  • Armor Class: Medium Aircraft
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cloud Piercer
  • Purpose: Assault, Anti-Aircraft
  • Weapons: MV Blaster / IHMG (x2)
  • Range: 7 / 7.5 (Anti-Air)

This unit replaces the Buzzard for Last Bastion.

As standard Buzzards proved to be not effective enough in defending the Last Bastion's vast stronghold against the endless threats from the outside, several adjustments were made to its design to create a unit more fitting for the defense operations. The Condor is Last Bastion's enhanced variant of the Buzzard, reinforced with plenty extra armor at the cost of its speed and mobility.

Since the Bastion base is fully capable of deploying the necessary stationary defenses around itself with just the use of ConYards, there was no longer a need for their standard helicopters to carry stun mines around. Instead, the storage space was repurposed to house a powerful microwave blaster, lethal to enemy infantry groups. Due to their lower speed, to make Condors more useful in hit'n'run attacks the blaster is used first before the IHMGs are even activated. The microwave blaster cannot target enemy aircraft, meaning its intended purpose is exclusively crowd control.

Last Bastion Condor

Additional Information:
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Automatically repairs itself.

  • Cost: $1200
  • Speed: 5
  • Hitpoints: 270
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cyberkernel
  • Purpose: Unit Disruption, Target Marking
  • Weapon: Confusion Ray / Illumination Flare
  • Range: 8 / 14

This unit is unique to Haihead.

The Irritator is Haihead's peculiar 8-wheeler with a highly experimental weapon. Mere months before their deployments, the Haihead forces successfully performed a defense operation using a newly designed weapon, which effectively caused the attackers to lose sight of their targets, and start fighting each other instead. The weapon, dubbed the 'Confusion Ray', does precisely what it says on the tin: it confuses the enemy in regards to who their real enemy is, which results in a likely friendly-fire scenario.

When deployed, the Irritator can launch an illumination flare, which will make the targeted position more visible to the Foehn troops. All units in the designated area during the flare's detonation will become more prone to damage, due to their positions being clearly revealed to the forces nearby. The Irritator has no damaging weapons of its own, and cannot use either of its weapons on the move.

Haihead Irritator

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 1 / 4
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Deploy to immobilize and switch to illumination flares.
  • Illumination flares decrease units' strength by 25% for 24 seconds.

  • Cost: $1250
  • Speed: 8 / 12 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 415
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cloud Piercer
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor Hit'n'Run
  • Weapon: Master Exploder
  • Range: Close

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

Watch out, this is not an ordinary ball of steel. It's the Coronian Roadrunner - a spherical drone set to crush, kill and destroy everything in its path. Its unorthodox design makes it capable of travelling at high speeds, and additionally benefit from the Spinblades scattered on the battlefield. When a Roadrunner chases its target down, it will cause an explosion with tremendous power, heavily damaging every soldier and tank nearby. The explosion will briefly disable the Roadrunner's systems in order to recharge the weapon, making the unit immobile and completely defenseless for a few seconds.

Coronian Roadrunner

Additional Information:
  • Immune to poison.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Can detect enemy spies.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Can destroy walls instantly.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Can switch to a 'hold fire' mode with a deploy command.
  • Will become temporarily disabled after firing its weapon.

  • Cost: $1050
  • Speed: 6 / 10 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 275
  • Armor Class: Light
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Nanofiber Loom
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor Ambush
  • Weapons: 'Golden Rocket' Multi-Launcher
  • Range: 8.5

This unit is unique to Last Bastion.

Sweepers hide in the snows surrounding the Last Bastion's stronghold, waiting for their targets to approach before firing a volley of 'Golden Rockets' straight at them. Its turret has been specifically designed to allow it to fire the projectiles without revealing its position. However, a watchful commander will still be able to deduce where the missiles came from, by carefully observing the battlefield. Even so, Sweepers make an excellent addition to the Last Bastion's defensive-oriented arsenal.

With a set of windspin engines of its own, it can cross water areas and then burrow in the ground and conceal its presence once ordered to the deploy. Naturally, the windspin engine will make the unit's speed increase near a Spinblade. While the Sweeper is equipped with 'Golden Rockets', its turret's compact horizontal design does not make it possible for this drone to target aircraft. Keep in mind, that the Sweepers do not arm their weapons until buried in the ground.

Last Bastion Sweeper

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Immune to poison.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Cloaked when deployed.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Needs to deploy to fire.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Does not sink when affected by EMP.
  • Immune to omni crush when deployed.
  • Can damage units inside Tank Bunkers.
  • Not affected by speed debuffers when deployed.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Its firepower can be enhanced by 15% near a deployed SODAR Array.

  • Cost: $1700
  • Speed: 9
  • Hitpoints: 920
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cyberkernel w/Exp
  • Purpose: Close Combat
  • Weapon: Plasma Blade & Tractor Beam
  • Range: Close

This unit is unique to Haihead.

The powerful mechanical war machine that is the Megalodon is an essential piece of the Haihead's strike forces. With their doctrine to destroy as many enemy installations and forces as possible in a very short time window, it should come as no surprise, that the designers of this particular weapon were focused on its firepower and speed, rather than durability or range.

The Megalodon is an unmanned humanoid robot walker, with an apparatus in its right hand, which lets it form a blade of plasma, a staple of many Foehn weapons made possible with the manipulation of air. The blade can cut through most of materials with ease, making it a formidable weapon against all targets, as long as they're on the ground. The Megalodon's left arm contains a miniature tractor beam, which slows its targets down, making them easy targets for the blade to slice through.

As the Megalodon was designed for melee combat, and performs best one-on-one, an additional weapon has been designed to increase its battle potential even further. The Haihead commanders can create zones designated as 'Megaarenas' on the battlefield, where the Megalodons will become the most effective. Whenever a Megalodon enters a Megaarena Projector's range, a reactive energy field will form around the walker's body. This field will vaporize most of enemy infantry that comes into touch with it, and cause Megalodons to march forward with its SAP - surroundings awareness protocols - highly tuned down, allowing it to traverse the battlefield faster and more recklessly.

Haihead Megalodon

Additional Information:
  • Immune to poison.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Slows down the target harshly.
  • Megaarena will give it an active energy field, which kills infantry on touch.
  • Enemy hero infantry are an exception to the insta-kill of Megaarena field.
  • The Megaarena energy field will make the unit increase its speed to 10.

Shadray Torch Tank
  • Cost: $1600
  • Speed: 4
  • Hitpoints: 315
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cyberkernel w/Exp
  • Purpose: Siege, Anti-Aircraft
  • Weapon: Microwave Beam
  • Range: 12.5 / 14 (Anti-Air)

This unit is unique to Haihead.

An alteration and modular enhancement to the crystals previously utilized for sonic weapons resulted in the creation of a weapon much more powerful. By combining four screens that are used individually in its lower tier counterparts, inverting the piece vertically and removing its protective panels, a stronger wave amplifier was created. When this enhanced experimental design was utilized on a prototype microwave emitter, the results stunned everyone in the test hangar. Eventually, it even turned out that this new weapon was capable of emitting its waves even through an active Blasticade defense system.

While the microwaves have been experimented on before, it wasn't until this improved crystal amplifier design was completed, that an effective weaponized version of it became a reality. That is the Shadray Torch Tank - a powerful long-range microwave tank, setting infantry, tanks and even structures ablaze. Much to the surprise of its designers, the range of the emitter became so great, that it could affect aircraft and thus additional targeting systems have been installed onto the Shadray. With its state-of-the-art weaponry, the Shadray shares the role of a siege unit and a long-range anti-aircraft defense.

Haihead Shadray Torch Tank

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 2
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Can fire through an active Blasticade.

  • Cost: $900
  • Speed: 36 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 220
  • Armor Class: Light
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cyberkernel w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapon: Plasma Discharge
  • Range: 7 / 7 (Anti-Air)

This unit is unique to Haihead.

Where the Neonwasp, Shadray or Megalodon cannot reach, the Diverbee will. This seemingly harmless little drone aircraft is the reason the Epsilon has deployed much more anti-aircraft weaponry in recent times than ever before. The Diverbee is a single-strike demolition drone that will quickly identify its enemy once given the command, and then launch itself at the target, triggering a powerful explosion that will heavily damage anything in its range. These units have been deployed by Haihead to destroy high priority objects in the enemy tank divisions, infantry batallions and even aircraft squadrons. However, their effectiveness against buildings is average at best, unless assisted by a Syncronin or Syncronaut.

Haihead Diverbee

Additional Information:
  • Will launch itself at the enemy with a suicidal attack when ordered to fire.

  • Cost: $3000
  • Speed: 3
  • Hitpoints: 2400
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cyberkernel w/Exp
  • Purpose: Mutually Assured Destruction
  • Weapons: M.A.D. Warhead Supreme
  • Range: 16 (Area-of-effect)

This unit is unique to Haihead.

If you thought the destructive potential of the Haihead strike forces ended at the Megalodon, Shadrays or the Diverbee drones, you were mistaken. What truly proves how much Haihead is set on destruction is this monumental design: the fearsome heavy metal monster codenamed 'M.A.D.M.A.N'.

Having analyzed the short, but incredibly dynamic history of weapons development throughought the 20th century, and being in luck that the Chinese army managed to keep a few of the remaining original units at their facilities, Haihead's engineers have decided to attempt to resurrect the infamous M.A.D. Tank project and make use of the Foehn's ability to manipulate the air and weaponize plasma, to create a bomb so powerful it could level entire bases, taking down the sturdiest of structures.

The Mutually Assured Destruction Mechanized Area Nullifier works on a similar principle the original vehicle that inspired it did back during the late stages of the Second Great War. Once deployed, its driver will trigger the detonation and exit the vehicle. After several short seconds, the unit will explode, creating a large shockwave that will sweep everything in its way. The warhead's design subverts some of the expectations regarding a powerful shockwave, as it is actually the weakest in its very center. This results in M.A.D.M.A.N.'s drivers surviving the few detonations of the vehicle that have already occured.

As the M.A.D.M.A.N.'s warhead is extremely dangerous and devastating, the driver requires an explicit order for detonation before activating the weapon. This means that the vehicle can only explode once given the deploy command. The M.A.D.M.A.N. is still a very rare sight - highly experimental, absurdly expensive for a one-use tank, and limited in numbers. Regardless, they pose the biggest threat to Haihead's enemies, who have entire task forces designated just for dealing with these machines.

Haihead M.A.D.M.A.N.

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to abduction.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Immune to Blasticade.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Immune to chrono weapons.
  • Cannot enter transports.
  • Cannot be chronoshifted.
  • Can destroy walls instantly.
  • Does not explode when killed.
  • Can crush infantry and units.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Cannot be cloaked with a Shadow Ring.
  • Cannot be covered with Invulnerability.
  • EMP weapon duration time on this unit is cut by 75%.
  • Needs an explicit deploy order to activate its weapon.

  • Cost: $2000
  • Speed: 24 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 900
  • Armor Class: Heavy Aircraft
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cld Piercer w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapon: Pressurizer Battery (x2)
  • Range: 7.5

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

While one could argue whether the decision to not rely on a heavy ground vehicle is something one would expect from the Wings of Coronia, the fact is that the Pteranodon is their heavy 'flying tank', an equivalent of the advanced designs such as the American Abrams Tank or Russia's Tesla Cruiser.

The Pteranodon's main purpose is elimination of mechanical forces, directly threatening or in the current vicinity of Coronian forces. With two large pressurizer batteries, mounted on each side of this massive aircraft, the Pteranodon makes quick work of groups of enemy tanks, no matter how durable their armor is. Compared to its equivalents in the other armies, however, it is not very effective against either the troops or buildings. It is also completely defenseless against aircraft that can target it.

Coronian Pteranodon

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 2
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Automatically repairs itself.

Tarchia Cannon
  • Cost: $1650
  • Speed: 4 / 7 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 650
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cloud Piercer w/Exp
  • Purpose: All-Terrain Siege
  • Weapons: Plasma Cannon
  • Range: 18

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

Whenever an attack from the sky is impossible or difficult to execute, the Wings of Coronia deploy their reliable Tarchia Cannons on the battlefield. These bulky artillery units can float above all types of terrain and water areas. While on its own the engine that makes them hover can't achieve high speeds, the Tarchia is another one of units, which can use the Spinblade to their advantage.

After marking its target, the Tarchia will fire its long-range plasma cannon, which will pulverize most enemy defenses and structures hidden behind them, making this particular unit an ideal siege machine. The impact of the explosion is enough to demolish enemy units as well. Be advised though, as this vehicle cannot fire on the move, and will have to recalibrate its cannon whenever it changes its position.

Coronian Tarchia Cannon

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Minimum Range: 5
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Needs to lock on a target before firing its weapon.

Alanqa Skystation
  • Cost: $2050
  • Speed: 15 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 550
  • Armor Class: Medium Aircraft
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cld Prcr w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Area Denial
  • Weapons: Advanced Air Manipulator
  • Range: 9 (Anti-Air) / Close

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

It should not come as surprise, that what the Wings of Coronia aim for is a complete domination of the sky. With advanced techniques of air manipulation, and heavy reliance on powerful flying machines, their soldiers strive to make the clouds theirs alone. The first, and probably the most important step to achieve that, is preventing Coronia's enemies from the effective use of the air force.

The Alanqa Skystation is Coronia's answer to this predicament. With a set of four powerful turbines, this machine has the largest potential, out of all Foehn units, to alter the air currents around itself. This ability allows the Alanqa to forcefully ground the enemy aircraft, usually resulting in their destruction. While this powerful weapon can't be used against ground targets, the Alanqa Skystation can instead manipulate the winds to create strong mini tornadoes under its body. These devastating man-made twisters will last for a short while, killing or at least heavily damaging ground troops and vehicles in its range. While the Alanqa will not be able to fire its anti-aircraft weapons as it is controlling the twister, the strong change in the current will not leave them unaffected: the tornado will damage the flying objects as well.

Despite its terrifying weapons, the Alanqa is not without its weaknesses. The machine is very fragile, due to its advanced and delicate construction, and will not be able to withstand too much anti-aircraft fire on its own. Additionally, the air manipulations it performs both in the sky and on the ground might become threatening for the Alanqa's allies, making it less of a team player, and more of a lone wolf.

Coronian Alanqa Skystation

Additional Information:
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Cannot attack ground targets with its main weapon.
  • Deploy to create a hurricane, very effective vs infantry, good vs other targets.

Orcinus Waveshaper
  • Cost: $1750
  • Speed: 5 / 9 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 1150
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Cloud Piercer w/Exp
  • Purpose: Area Weapon Jamming
  • Weapons: Advanced ECM Systems
  • Range: 12 (Area-of-effect)

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

The Orcinus Waveshaper is a product of aiming for a particular tactical goal: switching focus from vehicle-based combat to infantry-based - the one Coronia excels at thanks to its effective crowd control weapons. Unlike the Raccoon or Hovracoon, a deployed Orcinus is capable of disabling weapon systems of enemy units that step into its ECM system's effect zone en masse. The widespread application of the disruptions unfortunately results in lesser accuracy in regards to telling friend from foe, thus the Orcinus will affect all vehicles in its vicinity - something that the Coronia forces have accounted for in their tactics.

With the Revolt's already established technology of suspending objects by controlling the air, it can move freely in areas with large water reservoirs, and deploy in remote places like islands. This particular design makes Orcinus capable of affecting not only ground mechanical units, but naval ones as well. Naturally, the Orcinus can have its relatively low default speed boosted by nearby Spinblades. However, the high development costs of such a massive ECM system makes the Orcinus a limited weapon.

Coronian Orcinus Waveshaper

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Build Limit: 2
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to abduction.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Needs to deploy to fire.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Can damage units inside Tank Bunkers.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Can disable most of the enemy units' weapons.
  • Weapon jammer affects both enemy and team vehicles.

  • Cost: $3000
  • Speed: 20 (Jet)
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Class: Medium Aircraft
  • Prerequisite: Harbinger Tower (Harbinger)
  • Purpose: Aerial Bombardment
  • Weapons: Particle Collider Cannon (x2)
  • Range: 18

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

The Harbinger's legend begins in the 20th century, during the days when it was just one of the many projects in the research facilities of Kanegawa Industries. Before the Chinese attacked, research on the particle collision-based weaponry was well underway, and the weapon itself was supposed to give the Pacific Front the ultimate advantage over their enemies, and perhaps even an ace up their sleeve during the Allied leadership negotiations. After most of KI facilities fell into Chinese hands, so did the project and the laboratories, where the tech was being developed. Eventually, the tech resurfaced briefly in the form of several Iron Dragon units, but it was far from what was originally envisioned.

Coincidentally, the same facilities housed massive gunships, equipped with powerful 200mm cannons for siege purposes, concealed from the world for reasons unknown and yet to be launched. However, due to swift actions of the opposing forces, it became impossible for the Chinese to finish the particle collider implemention, and the gunships have mostly been destroyed before they could reinforce anyone's army.

However, the actions of the forces of the then shaping Foehn Revolt resulted in the preservation of both. The Harbinger now acts as Coronia's most powerful aerial weapon, using its destructive particle colliders to level entire enemy bases, and eliminate enemy units of any type, be it on the ground or in the water. The Harbinger can be summoned to the battlefield through a support power after its control tower is built.

Coronian Harbinger

Additional Information:
  • Immune to Blasticade.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Summoned with a support power from the Harbinger Tower.

  • Cost: $2400
  • Speed: 3
  • Hitpoints: 1450
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Nanofiber Loom w/Exp
  • Purpose: Heavy Anti-Armor
  • Weapon: Plasma Railgun
  • Range: 12

This unit is unique to Last Bastion.

It is said that the Mastodon was the very first tank designed for the Foehn Revolt, shortly after it was formed. However, various photos exist taken by recon planes and spy sat cameras that confirm the presence of a very similar design in the Chinese bases, during the Russian invasion on their soil.

The Mastodon is quite likely the largest and the heaviest battle tank ever seen on the battlefield, which is not only noticeable by looking at its hull, but the turret as well. The turret itself takes a third of the tank's weight, and for a good reason: it is packed to the brim with top technology. Its main weapon is a massive plasma railgun, which after finding an enemy, needs to charge up for several seconds before unleashing its full power. The railgun's primary purpose is to eliminate the enemy tanks at great ranges, while the Mastodon draws most of their firepower on itself, allowing the others to fulfill their purpose effectively.

Hidden in the Mastodon's turret are also containers with emergency nanomachines, which will be released to repair the tank if it takes too much damage. Just like those of the Bison, these nanomachines are the most effective when the Mastodon is not moving. With the use of Nanocharge, the Mastodon will also be able to use those nanomachines to repair nearby vehicles in times of need.

Last Bastion Mastodon

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 3
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Can crush infantry and units.
  • Will release nanites for self-repairs when heavily damaged.
  • Self-repairs are more effective when the Mastodon is not moving.
  • Needs to lock on a target and charge before firing its weapon.
  • Nanocharge support power will repair all units nearby for a while.

  • Cost: $2050
  • Speed: 5
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Nanofiber Loom w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Structure, Anti-Infantry, Transport
  • Weapons: IIP Cannon (x2) & HE Grenade Launchers
  • Range: 8 & 8

This unit is unique to Last Bastion.

Last Bastion's Gharial is an excellent companion to the Mastodon. It's been designed to fill in for all the roles that the Bastion's heaviest tank cannot take, with the exception of engaging enemy aircraft. Striking a balance between armor and speed, the Gharial is equipped with two weapons to use against ground targets: a powerful dual integrated imploder-penetrator cannon, the same the Kingsframes use, and a set of HE grenade launchers, both of which make short work of enemy defenses and other structures.

Gharial's hull design allows its to swim, while additional space within its body works as a transport for the Foehn troops. The Last Bastion's military doctrine dictates that each new Gharial that arrives on the battlefield must arrive with 3 Knightframes already inside and awaiting orders.

All of these features are still not all that makes the Gharial special. This tank's chassis is its most valuable element, which took decades to design and perfect. With a plethora of microdevices and special materials used to construct it, Gharials are immune to all sorts of battlefield hazards and interfering devices. Among many others, the Gharial is immune to EMP, radiation, poison, freezing, confusion and even mind control.

Last Bastion Gharial

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Can fire on the move.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Has 3 passenger slots.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Can destroy walls instantly.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Does not sink when affected by EMP.
  • Arrives with 3 Knightframes already on board.
  • Immune to all battlefield hazards (poison, radiation, smoke, freeze, EMP etc.).
  • Level 3 passenger survivability rate (rookie: 90%, veteran: 95%, elite: 100%).

  • Cost: $3000
  • Speed: 4
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Nanofiber Loom w/Exp
  • Purpose: Full Range Artillery Strike
  • Weapons: Particle Collider Artillery
  • Range: 64

This unit is unique to Last Bastion.

The infamous bow of light, the Boidmachine has already engraved its name onto the world, thanks to its particle collider artillery with an incredible range, obliterating many of the Last Bastion's enemies' tank divisions and infantry squads, without ever letting them see the cannon itself.

The Boidmachine is a heavy mobile artillery platform, which can only fire once it's been deployed and the projectile fully prepared for launch. The warhead of the Boidmachine works on a similar principle to the Harbinger's - devastating to ground units and infantry, and comparatively efficient against buildings and even the aircraft in-flight. If the vehicle undeploys in order to move, in case of emergency or just for a normal relocation to gets its targets in range, the weapon stops charging and will only restart the process once the Boidmachine deploys and repositions its cannon vertically once again.

The Boidmachine is also capable of using its cannon to launch devastating M.A.D. Mines right at the enemy. Once the mine hits the ground, it will only take a short moment for it to arm, and then it can destroy any unsuspecting enemy that comes within its detonation radius.

Last Bastion Boidmachine with a M.A.D. Mine

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to abduction.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Immune to Blasticade.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Immune to chrono weapons.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Cannot be chronoshifted.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Cannot be cloaked with a Shadow Ring.
  • Needs to deploy to begin charging its weapons.
  • EMP weapon duration time on this unit is cut by 75%.

SUPPORT POWER #1: Boid Blitz
  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

The Boidmachine will perform its powerful particle collider artillery strike at the designated location. Boid Blitz is particularly effective at destroying large amounts of infantry and lightly armored vehicles with a single strike, but will also deal lots of damage to other target types, including aircraft. If the target is located at a height higher than that of the Boidmachine, the weapon's accuracy decreases heavily.

  • Cost: $500
  • Recharge Time: 3:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

Every 3 minutes, the Boidmachine can launch devastating M.A.D. Mines at great ranges. Read more.

  • Cost: $2250
  • Speed: 18 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 510
  • Armor Class: Medium Aircraft
  • Prerequisite: Foehn War Factory + Any Expansion
  • Purpose: Siege
  • Weapon: Orbital Strike
  • Range: 12

The Quetzal is a drone control airship, there is no simpler way to explain what it is. Underneath its body, three spherical drones, its Eyes, will continuously scan the area nearby for enemy threats, giving the Quetzal quite an impressive line of sight that exceeds most of the vehicles or aircraft currently in service. Additionally, these drones will conceal the Quetzal's presence on all of the enemy radars.

The real purpose of the Quetzal's drone however, is precise target marking. The airship can send its drones at great ranges to scout and mark the spot where an orbital strike will follow shortly afterwards. These attacks, especially effective against enemy structures, involve hybrid bombs, which are released at high velocity and explode violently upon impact. The drones can be destroyed with anti-aircraft weapons, however, the Quetzal keeps spares and is capable of producing new ones - it will replace them in no time after the currently used set of its Eyes is no longer functional.

Foehn Quetzal

Additional Information:
  • Invisible on radar.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Can damage units inside Tank Bunkers.
  • Quetzal Eyes - Speed: 25 (Jet), Hitpoints: 200, Armor Class: Light Aircraft

Watercat Transport
  • Cost: $800
  • Speed: 8 / 12 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 900
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Naval Shipyard
  • Purpose: Transport
  • Weapon: -
  • Range: -

The ability to transport large amounts of forces over one of the most common environmental obstacles, water, has always been a deciding factor in war. Bodies of water of any size no longer prove to be a problem when amphibious transports are used. Easily gliding over water with their powerful turbines, they can transport both infantry and armor to any location. Keep in mind though that these transports are only lightly armored, and should not be put in harm's way in order to prevent severe losses. As the Watercat equips a windspin engine, its speed will be boosted by a lot near a Spinblade.

Foehn Watercat Transport

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Immune to omni crush.
  • Immune to EMP weapons.
  • Has 12 passenger slots.
  • Cannot be chronoshifted.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Level 3 passenger survivability rate (rookie: 90%, veteran: 95%, elite: 100%).
  • 3 slots: Tier 1 & Tier 2 units, 6 slots: MCVs, Driller, Tigr APC, Demo Truck, Bomb Buggy, Tier 3 units, 9 slots: Borillo, 12 slots: Battle Tortoise, Armadillo, Drakuv, Stalin's Fist, Mastodon, Gharial, Boidmachine, Chrono Prison, War Rig, Orcinus, too big for transport: Centurion, M.A.D.M.A.N.

  • Cost: $1000
  • Speed: 6 / 10 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 470
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Naval Shipyard
  • Purpose: Naval Engagement
  • Weapons: Pressurizer Lance
  • Range: 5

Swordfishes form the cornerstone of every Foehn naval formation. These agile military boats have been armed with an enhanced version of the pressurizer lance, similar to the one used by the Lancers against the enemy tanks. With more space for charging equipment and the engine, the raw firepower of lances on Swordfishes vastly exceeds that of a single Lancer, making it capable of taking on the largest of enemy warships. Additionally, while Spinblades are still not as common at the shores and on islands as they are inland, the engine of a Swordfish can benefit from its air manipulation and reach higher speeds.

Foehn Swordfish

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 1
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Can detect cloaked and submerged units (Sensors Range: 9).

  • Cost: $1400
  • Speed: 8
  • Hitpoints: 460
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Naval Shipyard + Cyberkernel
  • Purpose: Naval Unit Disruption
  • Weapon: Confusion Torpedoes / Confusion Mines
  • Range: 9 / Close (Area-of-effect)

If, after hearing the memorable name of the Angelshark, you expected a tamed animal in the Foehn navy, you will be surprised to learn there is none. The Angelshark is a submarine, which has not been designed for direct combat, but for the sabotage of enemy naval formations.

The Angelshark has two weapons. The first is a homing torpedo-drone hybrid that, when fired from the Angelshark, begins to pursue its target and upon impact releases an impulse, which throws it into great turmoil. The affected unit will begin to fire at its allies instead of engaging the Angelshark's side. The second weapon is a naval mine, which the Angelshark can release at the spot it currently resides at. This mine will float on the water's surface for a brief moment, while emitting confusion rays in all directions. Any enemy unit, that comes within the mine's range while its active, will begin targeting its allies instead of following its original orders. Being a support naval unit, the Angelshark has no other offensive weapons, but as long as there is no detector unit nearby, it will remain hidden even when firing any of its weapons.

Foehn Angelshark

Additional Information:
  • Cloaked.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Can detect cloaked and submerged units (Sensors Range: 9).
  • Can deploy confusion mines that will float on water for 25 seconds.

  • Cost: $1300
  • Speed: 6 / 10 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 650
  • Armor Class: Medium
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Naval Shipyard + Cloud Piercer
  • Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
  • Weapons: 'Golden Rocket' Launcher & Confusion Rifle
  • Range: 11 (Anti-Air)

Whipray is the newest addition to the Foehn navy - a naval vessel, the primary role of which is anti-aircraft defense. The vessel is the world's first mass-produced ship not to be controlled by a human crew, thus it is completely immune to mind control performed by the Epsilon units. It has a durable design, capable of withstanding plenty of enemy fire, but at the cost of not being equipped with a rotating turret.

Whipray utilizes a combination of two weapons: a standard "Golden Rocket" anti-air multi launch system, and a customized confusion rifle, designed to target aircraft explicitly. Additionally, the Whipray has a windspin engine, which can benefit from both the Spinblades deployed near the shores and on islands, as well as the SODAR Array, which can improve the performance of the unit's projectiles.

Foehn Whipray

Additional Information:
  • Immune to poison.
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to radiation.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Its firepower can be enhanced by 15% near a deployed SODAR Array.

Leviathan Helicarrier
  • Cost: $3200
  • Speed: 3 / 5 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 1300
  • Armor Class: Heavy
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Naval Shipyard + Any Expansion
  • Purpose: Siege
  • Weapon: Plasma Bomb Helibots (x2)
  • Range: 23

The legendary majestic sea monstrosity that is the Leviathan-class takes form as the capital helicarrier of the Foehn Revolt. Combining the best features of the Allied Enterprise Aircraft Carrier and the Soviet Kuznetsov Dreadnought, this massive ship houses two large attack Helibots under its deck, which when released, will begin bombardment of the enemy positions with numerous devastating plasma bombs. While these Helibots can be shot down and have a very limited range, meaning that they have to get close to their target first, most of the targets it will manage to land its bombs on will not survive the explosion.

The incredible firepower is not the only feature that makes the Leviathan stand out from the capital ships previously seen on the seas. With what is definitely the largest windspin engine, the Leviathan can increase its speeds by two thirds whenever it moves to a position occupied by a Spinblade. It is also equipped with dozens of emergency nanomachine containers, which its crew will release in order to repair the damages done to the ship's hull and deck. The Leviathans that belong to the Last Bastion have an additional load of nanites, which can be used to repair other units nearby as well with the Nanocharge.

Foehn Leviathan Helicarrier

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 2
  • Cannot be hijacked.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Automatically repairs itself.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Will release nanites for self-repairs when heavily damaged.
  • Self-repairs are more effective when the Leviathan is not moving.
  • Nanocharge support power will repair all units nearby for a while.
  • Leviathan Helibot - Speed: 25 (Jet), Hitpoints: 300, Armor Class: Light Aircraft

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