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Foehn Information
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Neutral Structures


Foehn Construction Yard
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: +60
  • Hitpoints: 2500
  • Prerequisite: Foehn MCV
  • Purpose: Base Construction
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Foehn Construction Yard is the most important structure in a base. With it, a commander has the capabilities of constructing all Foehn buildings and defenses. This makes the Construction Yard a high priority target for enemies, and must be defended as such in order to maintain any major presence on the battlefield. A Construction Yard provides a small amount of power as well.

Foehn Construction Yard

Additional Information:
  • Automatically repairs itself in mobile form.
  • Can be infiltrated to unlock Stolen Tech units.

Foehn Windtrap
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: +500
  • Hitpoints: 1100
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Power Production
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

The advanced technologies of the Revolt require lots of energy to be produced and maintained, so there was a need to design a power plant which would fullfil most of the requirements on the go as soon as a new outpost is built. This is where Foehn's high-level understanding of the forces of nature, revolving around the creation and flow of winds comes in handy - a power plant that traps the wind and, by using complicated methods, is able to generate power with its constant movement. Windtraps are larger and more expensive than the other power plants, but produce more energy than an average one.

Foehn Windtrap

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to shut down owner's power for 1:30 minutes.

Foehn Barracks
  • Cost: $600
  • Power: -10
  • Hitpoints: 900
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Infantry Training
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

The unusually extensive Foehn Barracks are a gate to their underground facilities, where most of the Revolt's infantry training and weapon assembling is taking place. These uniquely designed Barracks allow a commander to train basic and advanced Foehn infantry. Its presence also allows for the construction of basic defenses. The more Barracks are on the field, the faster infantries are trained.

Foehn Barracks can be upgraded with a Netrunner Protocol or a Knightfall Protocol compotent, the latter of which is exclusive to the Wings of Coronia. Both can provide a Foehn army with additional combat options.

Foehn Barracks with Foehn infantry

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to acquire veteran infantry training.

Foehn Ore Refinery
  • Cost: $1500
  • Power: -40
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Resource Gathering
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Ore Refinery is a technologically complex building completely outfitted to receive and process raw ore from miners and instantly receive monetary transactions for the ore while on the battlefield. This makes this structure a vital asset to any base economy. The Foehn Ore Refinery is cheaper than all the other ones as the Minermite unit it comes with is noticeably less costly to produce than the standard harvesters.

Foehn Ore Refinery with a Minermite

Additional Information:
  • Deploys a free Minermite when built.
  • Can be infiltrated to steal $5000 from its owner.
  • Soviet Industrial Plant will decrease its price.

Foehn Netrunner Protocol
  • Cost: $900
  • Power: -50
  • Hitpoints: -
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks
  • Purpose: Combat Support, Decoys
  • Armor Class: -

The Netrunner Protocol is an attachment for the Foehn Barracks, which will provide a Foehn commander with combat options based on the faction's advanced cyber technologies, such as the ability to deploy holographic projections of certain units for the purpose of deception. In conjunction with a Cyberkernel, it unlocks other unique battlefield manipulation technologies, like the Chaos Touch or the Syncronin soldiers.

Foehn Netrunner Protocol

SUPPORT POWER #1: Decoy Team
  • Cost: $1200
  • Recharge Time: 5
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to deploy 5 Knightframe and 5 Lancer holographic decoys on the battlefield to deceive the enemy. These holograms will behave and react just like normal troops, but will not be able to damage anything.

SUPPORT POWER #2: Chaos Touch
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 7:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Cyberkernel
  • Affects Players: Enemy

Use this to temporarily throw enemy infantry or units into a state of disarray anywhere on the battlefield. The confusion effect will be applied at regular intervals for 24 seconds. Its interrupted nature makes it possible for the affected units to attempt to overcome it, if given additional commands from their owners.

Foehn War Factory
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Prerequisite: Windtrap + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Unit Production
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

The War Factory allows for the production of Foehn's expensive and technologically advanced units on the battlefield. It is also the only place where the Foehn Revolt can construct its aircraft at, since they do not require an airfield for such units to land and reload at, due to their capabilities of controlling the winds. The more War Factories a commander has on the field, the faster vehicles are built.

Foehn War Factory with Foehn vehicles

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to acquire veteran unit production.

Foehn Naval Shipyard
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Prerequisite: Windtrap + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Naval Unit Production
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

A must on any battlefield with large bodies of water. The Foehn Naval Shipyard allows for the construction of Foehn ships and submersibles, and easily repairs any damaged vessels. The more Shipyards a commander has on the field, the faster the ships are built.

Foehn Naval Shipyard with a Swordfish

Additional Information:
  • Cannot be captured.

Foehn Cyberkernel
  • Cost: $1500
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Prerequisite: Windtrap + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Tech Access, Radar, Recon Sortie
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

To expand their network of influence beyond the Last Bastion's territory, the Foehn Revolt aims to construct more Cyberkernels around the world. These structures are their intelligence collection hubs, communication centers and supercomputers in one, making them an important target for the Revolt's enemies. In addition to enabling some of the advanced technology, the Cyberkernel provides access to the radar and the scouting support power in the form of Recon Sortie, which summons two drones that will reveal the shroud in a straight line of their flight over the battlefield. If a Netrunner Protocol is applied to the Foehn Barracks, together with a Cyberkernel they will unlock additional combat options.

To acquire the full technology access, Haihead needs to add an Expansion to the Cyberkernel, which becomes available after all three of Foehn's technology structures have been built.

Foehn Cyberkernel

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to reshroud its owner's map.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 4:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to send shroud-revealing probes anywhere on the battlefield. Can be fired using the mini-map.

Foehn Cloud Piercer
  • Cost: $1500
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Prerequisite: Windtrap + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Tech Access, Spinblade
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

The Cloud Piercers are where the Foehn's prime and innovative wind manipulation technologies are being developed. The Revolt's staff within these towers monitors the behavior of winds nearby and perform complicated calculations, which allow their army to make the best use of its flow and employ the forces of nature in battle. These structures are responsible for providing all the data for the construction of Foehn aircraft, but since those are not ever required to land due to Foehn's air control techniques, they do not come with any air pads. The Cloud Piercer's data also makes it possible to assess the best locations for the deployment of Spinblades, which will boost the speeds of units equipped with the windspin engines.

To acquire the full technology access, Wings of Coronia need to add an Expansion to the Cloud Piercer, which becomes available after all three of Foehn's technology structures have been built.

Foehn Cloud Piercer

Additional Information:

  • Cost: $500
  • Recharge Time: 4:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team

Use this to deploy a Spinblade structure anywhere on the battlefield, which will temporarily boost the speed of the windspin-compatible units which get near one of these by approximately 75 percent.

Foehn Nanofiber Loom
  • Cost: $1500
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1450
  • Prerequisite: Windtrap + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Tech Access, Nanofiber Sync
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

The Foehn Revolt has long heavily focused on enhancing and developing new uses for their state-of-the-art nanotechnology. The Revolt has many uses for the nanites it produces, be it for enhancing their units' armor, regenerating from all the damages taken during the battle or even for combat purposes. However, one of the most ingenious methods of putting the nanites to good use is the Nanofiber Sync, a rapid active material transformation, which is being developed at the Foehn Revolt's Nanofiber Loom.

Created at Foehn's secret production plants known as the Nanocentrifuges, the advanced nanites, which get transported to the Nanofiber Looms, begin work on very thin, but resistant and versatile nanofibers, which at the end of the production process are additionally infused with a batch of nanites responsible for control of the nanofiber's "behavior". These newly created materials are then applied to the adaptable powersuits and outfits of the Foehn infantry through the use of the Nanofiber Sync, which usually results in a transformation of the equipment, that can go as far as repurposing a soldier's weapons entirely.

To acquire the full technology access, Last Bastion needs to add an Expansion to the Nanofiber Loom, which becomes available after all three of Foehn's technology structures have been built.

Foehn Nanofiber Loom

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to reset its support power's timers.

SUPPORT POWER: Nanofiber Sync
  • Cost: $2500
  • Recharge Time: 7:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team

Use this to apply a solid dose of active nanofibers to the Foehn infantry in a small radius, which will result in a significant and sometimes even role-changing upgrade to their equipment and outfit. Note that a transformed soldier will have to acquire experience with the new outfit and weapon from the beginning.

Cyberkernel / Cloud Piercer / Nanofiber Loom Expansion
  • Cost: $1500
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: -
  • Prerequisite: Cyberkernel + Cloud Piercer + Nanofiber Loom
  • Purpose: Full Technology Access
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

To acquire a complete access to their advanced technologies, each of the Foehn Revolt's subfactions must upgrade the technology building which corresponds to its technology and strategy choice. This is why Haihead will aim to construct an Expansion for the Cyberkernel, the Wings of Coronia will upgrade the Cloud Piercer, and the Last Bastion will focus on developing an addition to the Nanofiber Loom.

Each of the upgrades requires construction of all three major technology buildings of the Foehn Revolt beforehand, and each will additionally provide unique support powers for the commanders to use in battle.

Cyberkernel / Cloud Piercer / Nanofiber Loom with their Expansions

SUPPORT POWER #1A: Blackout Missile

This support power is unique to Haihead and requires a Cyberkernel Expansion.
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

Use this to fire a Blackout Missile from the Cyberkernel, which will temporarily shut down any enemy structures in a small area after it reaches its target. The shutdown effect will last for 22 seconds.

SUPPORT POWER #2A: Megaarena

This support power is unique to Haihead and requires a Cyberkernel Expansion.
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team (Target), Enemies (Damage)

Use this to deploy a Megaarena Projector anywhere on the battlefield. The Projector will cast a powerful reactive shield on all Megalodons in its vicinity. The shield will evaporate any infantry that comes in contact with it, with the exception of heroes. It will also give Megalodons more speed, and make them temporarily immune to EMP. The effect wears off if a Megalodon leaves the Megaarena Projector's range.

SUPPORT POWER #3A: Signal Jammer

This support power is unique to Haihead and requires a Cyberkernel Expansion.
  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 5:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Enemies

Use this to deploy a Signal Jammer to prevent the use of most of the enemy superweapons and support powers, with the exception of scouting powers, in the designated area for approximately 2 minutes.

SUPPORT POWER #1B: Decoy Squadron

This support power is unique to Wings of Coronia and requires a Cloud Piercer Expansion.
  • Cost: $1500
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires War Factory

Use this to deploy 2 Pteranodon and 1 Quetzal holographic decoys on the battlefield to deceive the enemy. These holograms will behave and react just like normal units, but will not be able to damage anything.

SUPPORT POWER #1C: Nanocharge

This support power is unique to Last Bastion and requires a Nanofiber Loom Expansion.
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Owner

With the use of Nanocharge, all Mastodons and Leviathans, available in the moment of its activation, will release nanites in order to rapidly repair themselves and all of the owner's mechanical units nearby.

SUPPORT POWER #2C: Sweeper Drop

This support power is unique to Last Bastion and requires a Nanofiber Loom Expansion.
  • Cost: $2200
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to call in a Cargo Plane which will quickly drop two Sweepers anywhere on the battlefield.

Foehn Reprocessor
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 1100
  • Prerequisite: CK/CP/NL Expansion
  • Purpose: Economy Support
  • Armor Class: Heavy Structure

While the Foehn Revolt has multiple nanite production plants at its strategic locations, a problem arises whenever a new outpost is being established somewhere in the world. With the continuous and relentless attacks on the new settlements, it often becomes too dangerous to construct an expensive Nanocentrifuge in a remote area, where it could be easily destroyed by the enemy forces.

That's where the Reprocessor comes in: a structure that has been designed to provide the vital amount of nanites specialized in one purpose: material gathering. While the primary purpose of nanites in the Foehn Revolt is to perform efficient weapon and building constructions, with the limited access to the world's resources, the material gathering often becomes the more pressing task.

The Reprocessor focuses on creating nanites for all of the Foehn's units in order to allow them to quickly pick up salvageable materials from destroyed enemy objects, be it vehicles, infantry equipment or even buildings. Once the Reprocessor has been built, whenever an enemy object is killed, a small portion of its worth in resources will be awarded to the Foehn's commander who destroyed the object.

To defend against at least some of potential attackers, the Reprocessor can now and then launch a small cloud of weaponized nanites at the enemy infantry in order to have them "devoured". A cloud of grey goo created from such an attack is beneficial to the Foehn infantry, as they can use it for regeneration of their equipment and healing of wounds within those clouds, just like the ones created by the Huntresses.

Foehn Reprocessor

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1.
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Provides additional income like a single Tech Oil Derrick.
  • Can be infiltrated to reveal the owner's current money amount.
  • For every object destroyed with his units, the owner will get 20% of its worth in resources.

  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Enemy (Target), Team (Healing)

Use this to fire a projectile of weaponized nanites at the enemy infantry, in order to heavily damage or even disintegrate them. The clouds created through the killing of enemy troops contain resources, which can be used by the appropriately equipped Foehn infantry to regenerate when they move inside them.

Foehn Blast Furnace
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 1150
  • Prerequisite: CK/CP/NL Expansion
  • Purpose: Barrier Creation, Golden Wind
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Foehn Revolt has prepared a sizeable array of methods to use their air manipulation technology. One of the more dangerous ones involves a controlled eruption of incredibly destructive steam, which is kept at a high pressure in the structure called the Blast Furnace. This building is first and foremost responsible for the burning of the unused material residue that even Foehn's nanomachines can't reprocess. These materials are burned at incredibly high temperatures, resulting in lots of strong steam being produced, and then accumulated at the Blast Furnace.

At the right moment, this steam is released into the Blast Trenches built all around Foehn bases, which then erupts into the sky at great velocity. The wind flow manipulation fittings along the Blast Trench make it possible to increase the destructive power and reach of the barrier created in the process. Almost no ground or air unit is capable of crossing an actively erupting Blast Trench, with very few exceptions.

The barrier, christened the 'Blasticade', unfortunately has a few drawbacks, the biggest one being it getting shut down the moment a Foehn base goes low on power. If that happens, the Blast Furnace's release mechanism triggers an emergency shut down, as without the ability to control the blast's flow it would be too dangerous to move it through the Blast Trenches around the base. The Blast Furnace needs to recharge the Blasticade all over again when that happens.

In addition to the Blasticade, the Furnace can use its powerful steam through the Spinblades, to create an effective projectile-killing barrier around the vehicles within its radius. This Golden Wind turns Spinblades into support structures capable of enhancing more than just the windspin-compatible units.

Foehn Blast Furnace

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1.
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this superweapon's timers.
  • Blasticade will go offline if the Furnace gets depowered during its activation.
  • Blasticade will start charging from the beginning if the Furnace gets depowered.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 4:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

Whenever the Blasticade is activated, all Blast Trenches will start a very strong and controlled steam eruption, which will kill anything that comes in contact with, be it on the ground or in the sky. While usually the ground units will try to avoid going into an active Blast Trench, the same cannot be said about most of the air units, which are unable to detect this steam eruption in time. Once activated, the Blasticade will continue erupting for 2 minutes and will only start recharging once the barrier disappears.

  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 5:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Spinblade
  • Affects Players: Team

Blast Furnace can cooperate with the Spinblades on the field, by emitting its supercharged steam through its conducts into the devices. For 1 minute the Spinblades will use the steam on all Foehn units and troops that come in touch with it, to give them a protective nanocoat, which will increase their armor by 30%.

Foehn Tempest Architect
  • Cost: $5000
  • Power: -400
  • Hitpoints: 1350
  • Prerequisite: CK/CP/NL Expansion
  • Purpose: Tempest Creation
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Tempest Architect is Foehn's supreme wind manipulation device, likely to have been partially based on the blueprints of the Weather Controller developed as a joint project between the scientists of both SteinsTech and the Kanegawa Industries. However, to counter the Allied superweapon's random factors, the Tempest Architect's superweapon strike is much more precise and just as deadly.

When the Tempest Architect gathers the winds within a vortex, it is capable of unleashing its destructive energy, which will continuously deal heavy damage to a designated area for a short period of time, taking down the sturdiest of buildings, vehicles and even aircraft alike.

Foehn Tempest Architect

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1.
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this superweapon's timer.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 10:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

Unleash a devastating hurricane upon your enemies, which will remain active in the selected area for a short period of time and deal heavy damage to anything that approaches or is already within its range.


Foehn Bastion Walls
  • Cost: $100
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 300
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Passive Defense
  • Armor Class: Heavy Structure

Bastion Walls are the last line of defense for a Foehn commander. Cheap and quickly built, they serve as an early deterrence to infantry and light vehicles. They are also essential for protecting vulnerable structures against enemy infiltration or capture.

Foehn Bastion Walls

Foehn Sonic Emitter
  • Cost: $500
  • Power: -20
  • Hitpoints: 650
  • Range: 6.5
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Crystal Wave

The Sonic Emitter fills the basic defense slot in the Foehn's tech tree. It is the only basic defense capable of firing through walls, thanks to the design of its weapon: a sonic wave, emitted through a uniquely crafted crystal, which amplifies its power and makes it deadly to enemy infantry and rather effective against light vehicles as well. This ability comes at a cost: it is slightly more expensive than, for example, Pillbox or Sentry Gun, and requires power to function.

Foehn Sonic Emitter

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.
  • Can fire through walls.

Foehn Shrike Nest
  • Cost: $700
  • Power: -50
  • Hitpoints: 850
  • Range: 14
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Anti-Aircraft Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Shrike Drone w/'Golden Rocket' Launcher

Dig a deep, reinforced hole in the ground, hide a small drone in it and you've got the Foehn's basic anti-aircraft defense: the Shrike Nest. The Shrike drone hides within these holes, waiting for enemy aircraft to approach, and once they get within the Nest's range, it launches and begins its pursuit.

This small drone will fire a bunch of the specially designed 'Golden Rockets' at the enemy, before returning to the Nest to reload. The big advantage in the use of the Shrike Nest over the more ordinary anti-air defenses is that once a Shrike locks on an aircraft, it will pursue it even if said unit leaves the Nest's range. The Shrike will then keep firing until it runs out of ammo, or the target is destroyed.

Foehn Shrike Nest

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.
  • Shrike - Speed: 42 (Jet), Hitpoints: 240, Armor Class: Light Aircraft
  • Shrike's firepower can be enhanced by 15% near a deployed SODAR Array.

Foehn Stun Grid
  • Cost: $500
  • Power: -1 Per Piece
  • Hitpoints: 100
  • Range: Close
  • Prerequisite: Barracks + Cyberkernel
  • Purpose: Hidden Defense
  • Armor Class: Land Mine
  • Weapon: Stun Field

The Stun Grids are dangerous traps, unseen to the enemy unless they have a cloak detector in their strike force. Once an infantry steps on any of the Stun Grid's segments, the Grid will reveal itself and trap the unexpecting trooper, until the Grid itself is destroyed or the Foehn base goes low on power. Killing a trapped soldier in the Grid with most weaponry will result in the Grid taking damage, so it will become necessary to replace broken spots every now and then.

Being immobilized by such a trap for too long takes a toll on one's body, thus eventually even without being fired upon, the unlucky ones captured by a Stun Grid will eventually perish. This fate also awaits any enemy spies and other disguised troops, who too will be catched by the Stun Grid automatically.

Foehn Stun Grid

Additional Information:
  • Cloaked.
  • Can detect enemy spies and cloaked units.
  • If enough time passes, it will eventually kill the stunned infantry.
  • Will be placed as a 1x1 object to fill nearby free 8 cells with the grid's segments.

Foehn Turmoil Grid
  • Cost: $500
  • Power: -1 Per Piece
  • Hitpoints: 110
  • Range: Close
  • Prerequisite: Barracks + Cyberkernel
  • Purpose: Hidden Defense
  • Armor Class: Land Mine
  • Weapon: Confusion Field

The Turmoil Grid does not trap soldiers, but instead applies a quick confusion shock to any unit or infantry that moves through it. The affected unit will continue to have the confusion effect reapplied until it leaves the Turmoil Grid's area or the base goes low on power. Just like the Stun Grid, the Turmoil Grid will automatically react to spies and other disguised infantry.

Foehn Turmoil Grid

Additional Information:
  • Cloaked.
  • Can detect enemy spies and cloaked units.
  • Will be placed as a 1x1 object to fill nearby free 8 cells with the grid's segments.

Foehn Railgun Tower
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: -75
  • Hitpoints: 850
  • Range: 8
  • Prerequisite: Barracks + Cloud Piercer
  • Purpose: Advanced Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Plasma Railgun

The Railgun Tower is the Foehn Revolt's advanced defense, which becomes available once the Cloud Piercer has been built. With a smaller, but still powerful version of the Mastodon's plasma railgun, it is capable of dealing plenty of damage to enemy vehicles and can affect several of them at once in a small radius. Compared to the other advanced defenses it is weaker against infantry, which is why you should combine it with other armory elements in your defensive constructions.

Foehn Railgun Tower

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.

Foehn Nanocoat Regulator
  • Cost: $1000
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: 800
  • Prerequisite: CK/CP/NL Expansion
  • Purpose: Structure Armor Buff
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure

The nanites can not only be used for structural constructions, but also for strenghtening their armor and making them more resistant to damage. The Nanocoat Regulator can create thin layers of protective coating made from nanofibers and apply it to structures nearby. This will result in these buildings being able to withstand up to 50% more damage than usual before collapsing.

The effect does not overlap, so it is not recommended to build the Nanocoat Regulators close to each other but at strategic positions instead. If the base is on low power, the protective effect wears off.

Foehn Nanocoat Regulator

Additional Information:
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Increases strength of buildings in its vicinity by 50%.

Foehn Neutralizer
  • Cost: $1800
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: 1650
  • Range: 14
  • Prerequisite: CK/CP/NL Expansion
  • Purpose: Long-range Defense
  • Armor Class: Big Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Plasma Cutters

Among the advanced long-range defenses, which usually become available for an army that has achieved full technology access, the Neutralizer is the odd one. Its weapon, dual plasma cutters, does not have a splash, unlike all the other factions' long-range defenses. It does not damage units in an area, but instead continuously deals damage over time with high precision.

The plasma cutters make quick work of enemy mechanised divisions, one by one, and never miss their target. What connects all of these advanced long-range defenses is their design flaw, their blind spot, right around the cannon itself. Wall it, or support it with other defenses and units for the best effect.

Foehn Neutralizer

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 3
  • Can gain experience.

Foehn Signal Inhibitor
  • Cost: $2500
  • Power: -300
  • Hitpoints: 650
  • Prerequisite: CK/CP/NL Expansion
  • Purpose: Targeting Signal Jamming
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure

The Foehn Revolt has no problems with breaking into other commander's control protocols, thanks to its advanced supercomputers, a strongly developed artificial intelligence system and a few talented people behind it all. Basing some of their research and new weapon designs on intel acquired directly from their enemies' command posts and preserved data from the past, they've been able to come up with a device like no other. This device, called the Signal Inhibitor, disrupts the targeting signals, which are given to their enemies' support power and superweapon control systems, and block the transmission of coordinate information from the commanders themselves.

To put it shortly, the Signal Inhibitor will not allow for any support power or superweapon to be launched within its area of effect, as long as it is powered. The only exceptions to its influence are the scout powers.

Foehn Signal Inhibitor

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 3.
  • Blocks support powers and superweapons in a radius of 10 around it.
  • Only scout support powers can ignore the Signal Inhibitor's jamming.

Last Bastion Plasmerizer
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -1000
  • Hitpoints: 6000
  • Range: 21
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Loom w/Exp
  • Purpose: Ultimate Defense
  • Armor Class: Very Big Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Plasma Railgun Supreme

This structure is unique to Last Bastion.

There is no more powerful stationary defense than the Last Bastion's Plasmerizer, probably the largest cannon ever designed. An incredibly large amount of resources was used and continues to be used up for development, maintenance and power requirements of this absurdly big railgun emplacement.

The Plasmerizer has originally been designed in order to eliminate large numbers of enemy tank divisions trying to break through the Last Bastion's walls and enter its area. A number of those protects the gates to the Foehn Revolt's base of origin against the invading masses, who are unsuccessfully trying to burn it to the ground. Once this defensive structure locks on a target in its weapon's range, it begins charging the massive plasma railgun it is equipped with, a process which lasts noticeably longer than the Mastodon's, as it accumulates much more power before firing.

The Plasmerizer's long-range attack is devastating and has a large area of effect, making it difficult to avoid by moving in any other direction than going back. The cannon has a larger blind spot than the standard long-range defenses, due to its significant minimum range and requires lots of energy, which is why the Last Bastion's commander know not to rely on its raw firepower alone.

Last Bastion Plasmerizer

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1.
  • Minimum Range: 7
  • Can gain experience.
  • Engineers cannot repair this structure.
  • Chronolift can't teleport this structure.
  • Needs to lock on target and charge before firing its weapon.

Foehn Blast Trench
  • Cost: $150
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 700
  • Range: Close
  • Prerequisite: CK/CP/NL Expansion
  • Purpose: Impassable Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Steam Blast

After constructing an Expansion to any of the Foehn's advanced technology structures, the Revolt's commander can begin building a network of Blast Trenches around his base, in order to create the foundations for a steam barrier known as the 'Blasticade'.

The Blast Trench is built in a way similar to the standard walls, and once the Furnace's superweapon is activated, it will become impassable for ground units and will destroy any aircraft that tries to fly over it. If any objects are left on the Trench on the Blasticade's activation, those will be instantly vaporized as well. For the entirety of this barrier's duration, the Blast Trench becomes completely invulnerable.

Foehn Blast Trench

Last Bastion M.A.D. Mine
  • Cost: $500
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 400
  • Range: Close
  • Prerequisite: Deployed Boidmachine (M.A.D. Mine)
  • Purpose: Advanced Hidden Defense
  • Armor Class: Land Mine
  • Weapon: M.A.D. Warhead

This structure is unique to Last Bastion.

The Last Bastion has many tricks up its sleeves, and has developed a wide array of defensive weapons to use against its seemingly everlasting enemy. Under the guise of many nights, their Boidmachines were able to launch numerous M.A.D. Mines over the stronghold's walls. These mines were designed to quickly react to any enemy movement and explode violently with the use of a powerful plasma warhead.

Unlike the grids or mines that belong to other factions, M.A.D. Mines are placed individually, but the unique deployment mechanism through a Boidmachine's cannon launch allows Foehn commanders to deploy them at great distances. Once activated, they are able to take out a large tank divison in the blink of an eye. Be careful, as they might heavily damage your own units by accident too.

Last Bastion M.A.D. Mine

Additional Information:
  • Cloaked.
  • Immune to freeze effects.
  • Can be repaired by repair vehicles.
  • Deployed by the Boidmachine's support power.

Coronian Harbinger Tower
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: -300
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Prerequisite: Cloud Piercer w/Exp
  • Purpose: Harbinger Summon
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

This structure is unique to Wings of Coronia.

The Harbinger Tower allows the Wings of Coronia divisions to communicate with the massive Harbinger gunships scattered around the major regions of the world. Once the communication with a Harbinger has been established with one of these, it is possible to summon the gunship to a specific location on the battlefield, so that it can perform a powerful particle collider bombardment at the designated area.

Coronian Harbinger Tower

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1.
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Does not expand base building area.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this support power's timer.

  • Cost: $3000
  • Recharge Time: 9:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

Summon a Harbinger to bombard the designated area with its powerful particle collider. The Harbinger is capable of destroying even a Construction Yard, if it manages to land all of its shots during each of its 8 runs, but it is a feat difficult to accomplish in a base well-protected with anti-aircraft weapons. Read more.

Coronian Knightfall Protocol
  • Cost: $900
  • Power: -40
  • Hitpoints: -
  • Prerequisite: Barracks + Cloud Piercer w/Exp
  • Purpose: Rapid Reinforcements
  • Armor Class: -

This structure is unique to Wings of Coronia.

Once the Knightfall Protocol upgrade is attached to a Foehn Barracks, it becomes possible for the Coronian commanders to quickly deploy infantry reinforcements through drop pods straight from the sky. The beacons which are used to control the drop pod landing operations can only be placed near the upgraded Barracks, so if a Foehn commander wants to create more Knightfall drop zones, he needs to construct additional Knightfall Protocol upgrades for Barracks scattered around the battlefield.

Coronian Knightfall Protocol

  • Cost: $4000
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to create a Knightfall Beacon near one of the upgraded Foehn Barracks, to start a drop pod landing operation. The Knightfall drop pods will contain up to 15 total troops and will land in groups of three, each consisting of a Knightframe or a Lancer. The process takes approximately 1:30 minutes to complete, and will be terminated if the Knightfall Beacon is destroyed before the drop pods all land.

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