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Allied Information
Allied Structures
Allied Infantry
Allied Units
Allied Tech Tree

Soviet Information
Soviet Structures
Soviet Infantry
Soviet Units
Soviet Tech Tree

Epsilon Information
Epsilon Structures
Epsilon Infantry
Epsilon Units
Epsilon Tech Tree

Foehn Information
Foehn Structures
Foehn Infantry
Foehn Units
Foehn Tech Tree
Stolen Tech Units
Neutral Structures


United States of America
Subfaction Characteristics:
  • Fast units & rapid deployment.
  • Precision strikes & accurate weapons.

Subfaction Features:

Subfaction Info:

The United States wield potent laser technology with which they vanquish their foes, culminating in their ultimate weapon: a satellite network known as the 'Mercury', which can fire devastating laser beam strikes anywhere on Earth. Their use of such mighty precision weaponry has bled through into their entire war doctrine, making use of quick strikes with their blindingly fast aircraft, well-trained Riot Troopers, advanced laser-wielding tanks and their finest field operative: Special Agent Tanya Adams.

With the invasion of the Soviets, it has become critical for the Americans to be able to rapidly deploy their forces in any location. The deployment of troops and combat vehicles via paradrops supported by a Black Widow Alpha is a common tactic used to quickly reinforce a region or surprise an unsuspecting enemy. Unfortunately for the Americans, the unexpected Soviet attack resulted in subsequent termination of many experimental U.S. military projects, which were either lost in battle, or stolen by deceptive third parties.

European Alliance
Subfaction Characteristics:
  • Experimental high-tech weaponry.
  • Emphasis on defensive tactics & units.

Subfaction Features:

Subfaction Info:

The Euro Alliance relies heavily on high-tech weaponry provided to them by SteinsTech - a research group led by the late Albert Einstein's protégé, Siegfried. SteinsTech have devoted themselves to the further development of technology invented by Einstein for military applications. This means exotic weaponry such as chrono, weather controlling, prism, and mirage tech features heavily within the Alliance's arsenal.

Due to the previous invasion on Europe by the Russians, the European Alliance has always been wary for another attack, fearing retaliation from the Soviets once the Americans had ceased their occupation of Russia. This resulted in attempts to form international military research efforts, as well as a strong focus on primarily defensive and supportive technology within European armies - designed to remove threats quickly and efficiently, while maintaining primary and remote base operations without disruptions.

Pacific Front
Subfaction Characteristics:
  • Large variety of multi-functional units.
  • Advanced fire support & long-range weapons.

Subfaction Features:

Subfaction Info:

The Pacific Front is the most recent member of the Allied forces, who hastily joined when the threat of China began to loom on the horizon. Due to the need to quickly mobilize as many forces as possible in preparations for the war, the modern Pacific Front arsenal is partially comprised of former civilian or law enforcement machines converted into military weapons, with help of the renowned Kanegawa Industries. Behind the scenes, it is an organization loosely comprised of people with clashing ideologies - groups that each have their own vision of what the Pacific Front's future in the world should look like.

Combining long-range weaponry and cryogenic tech, the Pacific Front offers a lot of versatility to their allies. Their hero Norio, donning the mighty 'Garuda' power armor, their Black Eagle fighter jets assert the absolute dominance of the Pacific Front over the skies, while the Hyperion keeps it clear of enemy threats.

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