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Allied Information
Allied Structures
Allied Infantry
Allied Units
Allied Tech Tree

Soviet Information
Soviet Structures
Soviet Infantry
Soviet Units
Soviet Tech Tree

Epsilon Information
Epsilon Structures
Epsilon Infantry
Epsilon Units
Epsilon Tech Tree

Foehn Information
Foehn Structures
Foehn Infantry
Foehn Units
Foehn Tech Tree
Stolen Tech Units
Neutral Structures


Epsilon Construction Yard
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: +60
  • Hitpoints: 2500
  • Prerequisite: Epsilon MCV
  • Purpose: Base Construction
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Epsilon Construction Yard is the most important structure in a base. With it, a commander has the capabilities of constructing all Epsilon buildings and defenses. This makes the Construction Yard a high priority target for enemies, and must be defended as such in order to maintain any major presence on the battlefield. A Construction Yard provides a small amount of power as well.

Scorpion Cell has access to a fake decoy version of this structure, once they upgrade their Pandora Hub with a Chemplug. The decoy costs $700 and only one can be built, it can unpack into a Fake MCV.

Epsilon Construction Yard

Additional Information:
  • Automatically repairs itself in mobile form.
  • Can be infiltrated to unlock Stolen Tech units.

Epsilon Bio Reactor
  • Cost: $600
  • Power: +150 / +400
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Power Production
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

Yuri's unethical technology begins at the very roots. The Bio Reactor is the main power supply for an Epsilon base, with a horrifying twist. The Bio Reactor can generate more power when infantry is placed inside it, drawing energy from their natural bio-electricity.

It is not uncommon for victims of mind control to end up as additional fodder for these structures. As the mind-controlled subjects are sedated and remain unconscious while inside the reactor, this allows the controller to safely break the link and freely control another victim.

Epsilon Bio Reactor with and without infantry inside

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to shut down owner's power for 1:30 minutes.
  • Can store 5 infantry units, each will increase the power output by 50.

Epsilon Barracks
  • Cost: $500
  • Power: -10
  • Hitpoints: 900
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Infantry Training
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

The Epsilon Barracks is a shrine dedicated to Yuri's vision, even so far as to be built in his likeness as Yuri's voice constantly echoes through the structure, bringing confidence and bravery to those who serve him. With the Epsilon Barracks, a commander can train basic and advanced Epsilon infantry. The more Barracks a commander has on the field, the faster infantries are trained.

Epsilon Barracks wih Epsilon infantry

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to acquire veteran infantry training.

Epsilon Ore Refinery
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: -40
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Purpose: Resource Gathering
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Ore Refinery is a technologically complex building completely outfitted to receive and process raw ore from miners, turn it into valuable metals and alloys, and instantly receive monetary transactions for other products while on the battlefield. This makes this structure a vital asset to base economy.

Epsilon Ore Refinery with a Ghost Miner

Additional Information:
  • Deploys a free Ghost Miner when built.
  • Can be infiltrated to steal $5000 from its owner.
  • Soviet Industrial Plant will decrease its price.

Epsilon Synthesis Vault
  • Cost: $800
  • Power: -50
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Combat Support
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

Synthesis Vault is used by Yuri's forces for basic biological research and material processing. His unique infantry treatment drugs are distributed from this building, with both fundamental and advanced types. In addition, the special materials synthesized through this building can also be used to build Tank Bunkers as well as deploy the Ruiner of Epsilon HQ. What's more, the synthetic energy emitted from this structure is conducted through the Tank Bunkers nearby, actively reinforcing their internal structure.

Epsilon Synthesis Vault

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to reset its support weapons' timers.
  • Increases the strength of all Tank Bunkers nearby by 40%.

SUPPORT POWER #1A: Regen Drugs
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 4:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team

The Regen Drugs are Yuri's unique method of actively restoring his troops' health for 28 seconds.

SUPPORT POWER #1B: Wonder Drugs
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 5:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Cloning Vats
  • Affects Players: Team

An enhanced variant, the Wonder Drugs' healing effects last 42 seconds when used on Yuri's troops.

SUPPORT POWER #2: Quick Fort
  • Cost: $500
  • Recharge Time: 5:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to instantly spawn a Tank Bunker with a short 40% strength boost anywhere on the battlefield. The Tank Bunker deployed with this support power will not keep you in the game, if Short Game is on.

Epsilon War Factory
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Prerequisite: Bio Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Unit Production
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

The War Factory allows for the production of the Epsilon's varied and often bizarre war machines on the battlefield. What strange technologies are used to produce these strange vehicles is anyone's guess. The more War Factories a commander has on the field, the faster vehicles are built.

Epsilon War Factory with basic Epsilon tanks

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to acquire veteran unit training.

Epsilon Naval Shipyard
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Prerequisite: Bio Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Naval Unit Production
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

A must on any battlefield with large bodies of water. The Epsilon Naval Shipyard allows for the construction of Epsilon ships and submersibles, and easily repairs any damaged vessels. The more Shipyards a commander has on the field, the faster ships are built.

Epsilon Naval Shipyard with a Giant Squid

Additional Information:
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Does not expand base building area.

Epsilon Radar Spire
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Prerequisite: Bio Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Tech Access, Radar, Scout Raven
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

Radar Spires provide the Epsilon commanders with a radar mini-map and clearance to use more potent technology, like the Mind Reader or Vision, which allow them to see through enemy movements. Additionally, it provides the use of genetically modified Ravens that function as advanced scouting units.

Epsilon Radar Spire with a Scout Raven

Additional Information:
  • Can be infiltrated to reshroud its owner's map.

SUPPORT POWER #1: Scout Raven
  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 4:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to deploy a Raven you can move to scout shrouded areas. Can be released using the mini-map.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 5:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Enemy

Once the Vision is activated, all information about the enemy actions and movements towards the designated area will be revealed to you through the use of mind-reading for a short period of time.

Epsilon Aerodome
  • Cost: $1000
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1100
  • Prerequisite: Bio Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: Aircraft Production
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

Just like the Allies build their Air Force Command Headquarters and the Soviets have begun deploying Airbases once again, the Epsilon's forces have designed an airfield of their own. The Aerodome is where they construct, maintain and reload the aircraft from their Dybbuk series.

Epsilon Aerodome with Dybbuk-Attackers

Epsilon Pandora Hub
  • Cost: $1800
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Prerequisite: Bio Reactor + Ore Refinery
  • Purpose: High Tech Access, Support Weapons
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

The Pandora Hub serves as a central research laboratory for the most powerful of Epsilon technologies. In addition to providing the blueprints for Epsilon's most insidious machines, it also serves as an uplink for additional support powers. Such a vital building must be protected well and its secrets guarded safely from Yuri's enemies. The Pandora Hub should be upgraded further to provide the complete technology coverage and additional weapons. Each of the Epsilon's subfactions has its own unique upgrade.

Scorpion Cell has access to a fake decoy version of this structure once they build a Bio Reactor and an Ore Refinery. The fake version of the building will auto-upgrade itself with a fake Chemplug after 2 and a half minutes have passed since its construction, which is roughly the time required to build a real Chemplug.

Epsilon Pandora Hub

Additional Information:

SUPPORT POWER #1: Risen Monolith
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to instantly deploy a Risen Monolith anywhere on the battlefield for a limited time. This unique defense structure will fire a long-range laser at both ground and air targets that come within its reach.
Risen Monolith - Range: 11 / 13 (Anti-Air), Hitpoints: 1300, Purpose: Timed Defense, Armor Class: Defensive Structure. Cannot be shielded or repaired in any way, but does not require power to operate.

SUPPORT POWER #2: Psychic Flash
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Inferno Tower or Antares Battery
  • Affects Players: Owner

With a boost of psychic energy emitted directly into all Inferno Towers and Antares Batteries on the map, their pyrokinetic beams will become much more powerful and gain additional range for 1:30 minutes.

SUPPORT POWER #3: Shadow Ring
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Synthesis Vault
  • Affects Players: Team

Use this to make a group of infantry and units placed together in a small area cloaked for 50 seconds.

Psychplug / Chemplug / Geneplug
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: -
  • Prerequisite: Radar Spire + Pandora Hub
  • Purpose: High Tech Access, Support Weapons
  • Armor Class: -

These upgrades, unique to every Epsilon subfaction, grant them a full technology access and a variety of unique support powers based on their own research. Upgrading the Pandora Hub to acquire the complete weapons array and accompanying support powers can give an Epsilon Proselyte the edge he needs to overcome his enemies in battle. PsiCorps can construct a Psychplug, Scorpion Cell utilizes a Chemplug, while the Epsilon HQ makes use of a Geneplug.

Epsilon Pandora Hub with Psychplug / Chemplug / Geneplug

SUPPORT POWER #1A: Libra Clones

This support power is unique to PsiCorps and requires a Psychplug.
  • Cost: $1200
  • Recharge Time: 4:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

A cloaked Dybbuk-Transport will paradrop 3 Libra Clones anywhere on the battlefield. They can be used for both offensive and distraction purposes, masking the one true Libra's presence. Libra Clones can't use the antigravity field and are much weaker than the one true Libra, but are still effective in numbers.
Libra Clone - Speed: 10, Hitpoints: 180, Range: 10 / 11 (Anti-Air), Armor Class: Flak, Amphibious.

SUPPORT POWER #2A: Magnetic Beam

This support power is unique to PsiCorps and requires a Psychplug.
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

This Magnetic Beam comes from an unidentified object high up in the sky and will slow down or even immobilize metal objects that belong to your enemies, but will not leave your own units unaffected if nearby. The Magnetic Beam can be ordered to move like a flying unit once selected at its base.

SUPPORT POWER #1B: Bloatick Trap

This support power is unique to Scorpion Cell and requires a Chemplug.
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 5:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

Use this to spawn an entrance to a lightly-armored Bloatick Tunnel anywhere on the battlefield. This Tunnel will then periodically release even up to 8 explosive Bloaticks after a short period of time.

SUPPORT POWER #2B: Toxic Strike

This support power is unique to Scorpion Cell and requires a Chemplug.
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All

Use this to call in 4 small Dybbuk-Striker series jets, which will begin firing explosive toxic shells on the designated area for a while. Their weapons are highly effective against infantry and light vehicles.

SUPPORT POWER #3B: Hijackers

This support power is unique to Scorpion Cell and requires a Chemplug.
  • Cost: $1200
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes

This support power will paradrop 3 Hijackers with a Cargo Plane anywhere on the battlefield. The Hijackers can then disguise as enemy infantry and be used to steal most of the enemy vehicles. Read more.

SUPPORT POWER #1C: Kinetic Barrier

This support power is unique to Epsilon Headquarters and requires a Geneplug.
  • Cost: $800
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team

The Kinetic Barrier will make the affected infantry 50% more resistant to enemy fire for 48 seconds.

SUPPORT POWER #2C: Geneburst

This support power is unique to Epsilon Headquarters and requires a Geneplug.
  • Cost: $1000
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Enemies

A Terranova particle outburst will deal damage to infantry and mutate the badly wounded into Brutes.


This support power is unique to Epsilon Headquarters and requires a Geneplug.
  • Cost: $1100
  • Recharge Time: 6:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Requires Synthesis Vault

This support power can deploy a Ruiner somewhere near one of the Synthesis Vaults on the battlefield. The Ruiners can cause a lot of havoc on the battlefield by disabling enemy infantry weapons. Read more.

Epsilon Grinder
  • Cost: $800
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 900
  • Prerequisite: Pandora Hub
  • Purpose: Recycling
  • Armor Class: Big Light Structure

Another one of Yuri's inhumane inventions is the Grinder: a structure capable of breaking down both mechanical and organic material in order to be recycled as raw resources to fill Epsilon's coffers. Many victims of mind control have met an untimely and grisly fate being fed to the Grinder when a commander deems them as no longer of use. The Grinders spread everywhere, thanks to their ability to pack into a vehicle for transport. They are often seen accompanying Yuri's large resource-gathering operations.

Epsilon Grinder, mobile and deployed

Additional Information:
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Does not expand base building area.
  • Mobile Grinder - Speed: 8, Hitpoints: 750, Armor Class: Heavy.
  • Send infantry and units inside to recycle them for 50% of their initial price.

Epsilon Cloning Vats
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 1100
  • Prerequisite: Upgraded Pandora Hub
  • Purpose: Cloning
  • Armor Class: Heavy Structure

Cloning used to be but a futuristic dream until Yuri turned it into a nightmarish reality. After defecting from the Soviets, Yuri took the technology for the Cloning Vats with him in order to quickly bolster his ranks. Producing near-perfect, and engineered for obedience clones of already trained soldiers allowed Epsilon to effectively double the size of their infantry divisions.

The differences between a clone and a real soldier are not noticeable to a commander. However, the appearance of clones on the battlefield is known to unsettle Epsilon infantry as their doppelgangers possess an inherent 'wrongness' about them, like soulless versions of the original.

Epsilon Cloning Vats

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Heroes cannot be cloned.
  • Provides additional income like a single Tech Oil Derrick.
  • For every infantry unit created from Barracks, its copy will appear at Cloning Vats.
  • Can be infiltrated to reveal the owner's current money amount.

Epsilon Rage Inductor
  • Cost: $3000
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 1150
  • Prerequisite: Upgraded Pandora Hub
  • Purpose: Performance Enhancer
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

The Rage Inductor is a curious but dangerous device. The weapon utilizes a powerful mixture of aerosol steroids, bio-augmentative chemicals, and hormones known as the Terminus Drugs. The compound has been developed in several different strains and is used by the Epsilon Army for offensive purposes.

The Rage Inductor utilizes a heavily modified strain to enhance the effectiveness of the Epsilon troops and units. With a proper and optimal usage of these particular drugs, the results are an increased situational awareness, performance and reflexes. Upon discovering this effect, the Allies and Soviets were quick to implement reverse-engineered filters in order to take advantage of the Rage Inductor on their own units and infantry should they come into possession of one.

Epsilon Rage Inductor

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this superweapon's timer.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 5:30
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: Team

With the use of highly concentrated Terminus Drugs, all infantry and tanks affected by this support superweapon in a large radius will be thrown into a state of rage, which will make their firepower increase by 60% for 60 seconds, and instantly restore 50 health points for infantry and 100 for vehicles on top.

Epsilon Psychic Dominator
  • Cost: $5000
  • Power: -400
  • Hitpoints: 1350
  • Prerequisite: Upgraded Pandora Hub
  • Purpose: Domination
  • Armor Class: Big Heavy Structure

What he cannot control, Yuri will dominate through destruction. The Epsilon's Psychic Dominator has quickly become one of the most well-known weapons of mass destruction, capable of emitting psionic blasts that can cause wholesale decimation in a large radius. The Allies were quick to notice that these devices were being constructed all over the world, in order to protect Yuri's worldwide network of Psychic Amplifiers and Beacons. What's worse, is that it is rumoured the Psychic Dominator is capable of using its powers to mind control some of the troops it targets on its own.

Scorpion Cell has access to a fake decoy version of this structure once they upgrade their Pandora Hub with a Chemplug. The fake can be used to create a false Domination activation alert every 10 minutes.

Epsilon Psychic Dominator

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Can be infiltrated to reset this superweapon's timer.

  • Cost: -
  • Recharge Time: 10:00
  • Requires Power: Yes
  • Affects Players: All / Enemies (Mind Control)

A powerful psionic energy blast will damage and destroy structures in the superweapon's range and additionally permanently mind control all the infantry and units located in the center of the explosion.


Epsilon Citadel Walls
  • Cost: $100
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 400
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Passive Defense
  • Armor Class: Heavy Structure

Citadel Walls are the last line of defense for an Epsilon proselyte. Cheap and quickly built, they serve as an early deterrence to infantry and light vehicles. They are also essential for protecting vulnerable structures against enemy infiltration or capture.

Epsilon Citadel Walls

Epsilon Gates
  • Cost: $250
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 400
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Passive Defense
  • Armor Class: Heavy Structure

Automatic gates are used to keep enemies out while still allowing friendly units to pass by defenses. Great for keeping spies from getting into your base too easily, but don't rely on them too much.

Epsilon Gates

Epsilon Gatling Cannon
  • Cost: $700
  • Power: -50
  • Hitpoints: 800
  • Range: 6 / 12
  • Prerequisite: Barracks
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry & Anti-Air Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Gatling Cannon (x2)

Gatling Cannons are the primary defense emplacement of all Epsilon forces. A versatile and powerful rotary cannon capable of pumping out several thousand rounds a minute, it functions as both the main anti-infantry and anti-aircraft defense. Though this dual purpose gives it a major advantage over its Allied and Soviet counterparts, it requires power to operate, making an Epsilon base much more dependant on a constant power source to protect itself from enemies.

Epsilon Gatling Cannon

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.
  • Cannon deals more damage the longer it fires.

Epsilon Tank Bunker
  • Cost: $300
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 975
  • Range: Various
  • Prerequisite: Synthesis Vault
  • Purpose: Garrisonable Defense
  • Armor Class: Big Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Various

Tank Bunkers are structures, which most turreted vehicles can enter to gain additional protection from enemy fire while still being able to retaliate. Though the occupier of a Bunker will become a much more difficult target to destroy for ground forces, aerial attacks will still easily bypass these entrenchments. Tank Bunkers built nearby a Synthesis Vault can get their armor reinforced with supplemental active field coming from the Vault. A similar effect will apply temporarily to those deployed through the Quick Fort.

Epsilon Tank Bunker with a Lasher Light Tank

Additional Information:
  • Can be garrisoned by most of turreted ground vehicles.
  • Vehicles inside the Tank Bunker will gain +2 to their weapon range.
  • A Synthesis Vault or War Rig nearby will increase its strength by 40%.

Epsilon Inferno Tower
  • Cost: $1200
  • Power: -75
  • Hitpoints: 850
  • Range: 8 / 9
  • Prerequisite: Radar Spire
  • Purpose: Advanced Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: 'Inferno' Pyrokinetic Beam

Inferno Towers are complex defenses which utilize the pyrokinetic techniques of Epsilon to punch through armored forces and instantly dismember infantry. The exact technology behind the weapon is kept in secret by Epsilon, however the effects of it are obvious.

Additionally, unlike Tesla Coils or standard Prism Towers, the Inferno Tower is capable of hitting a number of units at once in a small radius. The effectiveness of an Inferno Tower can be increased further temporarily with the use of the Psychic Flash support power, which is accessed from the Pandora Hub.

Epsilon Inferno Tower

Additional Information:
  • Can gain experience.
  • Psychic Flash will increase its range and firepower for 1:30 minutes.

Epsilon Mind Reader
  • Cost: $800
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Prerequisite: Radar Spire
  • Purpose: Movement Detection
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

Another interesting technology Yuri took with him when he defected: the Epsilon developed the Mind Reader to be used for espionage in the field, basing its design on the original Psychic Sensor. The device has the incredible capability of detecting and revealing the intentions of adversaries to move or attack within the range of the Reader. This allows Yuri's proselytes to see the approaching attacks or infiltrations coming from miles away and prepare themselves.

Epsilon Mind Reader

Additional Information:
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Will detect movements of enemy troops in 10 cell radius.

Epsilon Chimera Core
  • Cost: $1400
  • Power: -200
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Prerequisite: Upgraded Pandora Hub
  • Purpose: Cloak Generator
  • Armor Class: Light Structure

The Chimera Core is one of Epsilon's most groundbreaking inventions in terms of stealth and obfuscation of their activity. Using a combination of powerful mental feedback and optical illusions, they can create an effect of vehicles and infantry not existing at their actual position.

Unfortunately, the Chimera Core is not powerful enough to cloak buildings, as the energy demand would become utterly impossible to fulfill for the larger Epsilon bases. If you do not have sensor units on hand, the Chimera Core should be your first target the moment you spot one.

Epsilon Chimera Core

Additional Information:
  • Provides cloak to units around it in a 9 cell radius.

Epsilon Antares Battery
  • Cost: $1800
  • Power: -150
  • Hitpoints: 1650
  • Range: 14 / 15
  • Prerequisite: Upgraded Pandora Hub
  • Purpose: Long-range Defense
  • Armor Class: Big Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: 'Antares' Pyrokinetic Beam

Epsilon's top-tier defense system, the Antares Battery, uses a much more intense version of the Inferno Tower's weapon. Using the most advanced pyrokinetic techniques and an increased energy supply, the Antares can unleash all of its concentrated power to annihilate groups of units at once. Its construction prevents close-range fire, making it an Achilles heel in its design. To compensate, the Antares can also make use of the Psychic Flash to temporarily fire more powerful beams at longer ranges.

Epsilon Antares Battery

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 4
  • Can gain experience.
  • Psychic Flash will increase its range and firepower for 1:30 minutes.

PsiCorps Psychic Tower
  • Cost: $1500
  • Power: -100
  • Hitpoints: 1050
  • Range: 8
  • Prerequisite: Psychplug Upgrade
  • Purpose: Mind Control Defense
  • Armor Class: Defensive Structure
  • Weapon: Mind Control (x3)

This structure is unique to PsiCorps.

The Psychic Tower is feared by Yuri's enemies. It is the pinnacle of his PsiCorps' mind control technology as while it can control multiple targets just like the Mastermind, it does not share its weakness in the form of willing to control more than it is capable of. Its mind control apparatus does not overload and will not result in a sudden self-destruction.

Once the Psychic Tower captures 3 objects, that's it, no more will be mind-controlled, until they are killed or the tower itself is disabled through some means, like low power or hacking. This has led to Allies and Soviets attempting to sacrifice the most expendable of their troops in order to render a Psychic Tower useless or sabotage the base's power before they attack.

PsiCorps Psychic Tower

Additional Information:
  • Can control up to 3 units at the same time.
  • Can gain experience by taking it from the units it controls.

Epsilon Headquarters Genomines
  • Cost: $300
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 150
  • Range: Close
  • Prerequisite: Geneplug Upgrade
  • Purpose: Advanced Hidden Defense
  • Armor Class: Land Mine
  • Weapon: Mutation Gas

This structure is unique to Epsilon Headquarters.

It is said the snows of the Antarctic are full of these. The Genomines are dangerous contraptions hidden deep underground with their presence additionally hidden, with the use of Yuri's psychic illusion tricks. Whenever an infantry battalion approaches one of those, the Genomine explodes violently releasing large amounts of deadly strain of Yuri's Terranova viral compound, which causes rapid mutation of humans and turns them into Brutes, loyal to the owner of the Genomine that made them.

Epsilon Headquarters Genomines

Additional Information:
  • Cloaked.
  • Immune to freeze effects.
  • Can be repaired by repair vehicles.
  • The weapon does not affect Genomine's owner allies' infantry.
  • Will be placed as a 1x1 object to fill free 4 cells nearby with the mines.

Epsilon War Rig
  • Cost: $2000
  • Power: 0
  • Hitpoints: 1350
  • Range: 10 / 1.5 (Mobile)
  • Prerequisite: Rage Inductor
  • Purpose: Resource Gathering, Multi-Purpose Support
  • Armor Class: Big Defensive Structure
  • Weapons: Drills (x6) / Amnesia Ray

At first glance, this building is not much different from Epsilon's regular Ore Refinery, but the fact is that the War Rig, known as "the Epsilon's Swiss Army Knife", serves more than just providing an ore unloading point. It can provide repair services for the surrounding vehicles, just like the Soviet Repair Crane. The building's top is equipped with an Amnesia Ray, same as the Ruiner's, to deprive the attack capability of enemy soldiers who approach it. Moreover, the same active energy emitters as those in the Synthesis Vault are contained inside the Rig, to reinforce any nearby Tank Bunkers.

On top of all that, numerous drills from the War Rig will be launched towards enemy positions and emerge from underground to cause heavy damage when the enemy vehicles are passing by. The drills are also relatively effective against structures, meaning the Rig can be used for direct assault as a last resort.

Probably the most terrifying detail of this construction is, that the War Rig with all its utilities can still be packed into a vehicle state, so that it can be deployed in different ore zones to provide unloading services there. War Rig in its mobile form has the ability to move underground and can smash anything in its way with the drills that are visibly mounted on its front in this mode, rather than hidden underground.

Epsilon War Rig, mobile and deployed

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 2
  • Cannot be captured.
  • Immune to abduction.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Driver cannot be killed.
  • Can destroy walls instantly.
  • Minimum Range: 1 (Deployed)
  • Does not expand base building area.
  • Automatically repairs itself in mobile form.
  • Increases the strength of all Tank Bunkers nearby by 40%.
  • Amnesia ray will disable infantry weapons and make them disable others'.
  • Mobile Form - Speed: 5, Hitpoints: 1350, Armor Class: Heavy, Subterranean.

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