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  • Cost: $450
  • Speed: 6
  • Hitpoints: 270
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Anti-Aircraft, Garrison
  • Weapons: IHMG
  • Range: 6 / 6 (Garrison) / 9 (Anti-Air)

The Knightframe is the foundation of a Foehn infantry battallion, given an advanced set of equipment that is supposed to increase their durability and survivability on the battlefield. These troops march through the battlefield in a mechanical frame, which allows them to walk faster but will also help the men inside endure the harshest of situations. An integrated heavy machine gun has been mounted into each of these powersuits, a weapon effective against ground and flying targets both, but mostly against the enemy troops and lightly armoured units. The modular design of the powersuit allows the Knightframe to enter garrisonable buildings if necessary, as it'll fold into a more compact version before they do so. They will however not be able to target aircraft from the inside of a building.

Foehn Knightframe

Additional Information:
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Can garrison civilian structures.
  • Starting infantry unit for the Foehn.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • Vulnerable to EMP and magnetic weapons.
Kingsframe (transformation)
  • Sync'd from Knightframe
  • Speed: 6
  • Hitpoints: 380
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Sync
  • Purpose: Anti-Structure, Anti-Infantry
  • Weapons: IIP Cannon
  • Range: 7.5

Once a dose of nanofibers from the Nanofiber Loom has been infused into a Knightframe, it grows larger and stronger, becoming a Kingsframe. An unfortunate and negative consequence of this transformation is that the Kingsframe powersuit loses its adaptability and can no longer fit into garrisonable buildings, making it incapable of shooting from one.

However, the Kingsframe is more resistant to damage than the Knightframe and does not require shelter from EMP, or from large units like the Battle Tortoise, which can roll over most of infantry. These soldiers will march bravely on the enemy base and use their newly acquired integrated imploder-penetrator cannon to demolish buildings, and eliminate groups of enemy troops in seconds. Keep in mind that this weapon cannot be fired at enemy aircraft, so think twice before transforming your Knightframe squads.

Foehn Kingsframe

Additional Information:
  • Can destroy walls instantly.
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Cannot be crushed by any vehicles.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.

  • Cost: $500
  • Speed: 7
  • Hitpoints: 300
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Structure, Garrison
  • Weapons: Pressurizer Lance
  • Range: 3.5 / 6 (Garrison)

Fast and relentless, the Foehn Revolt's Lancer is a warrior who originates from one of the two groups: some are soldiers, who willingly replaced their limbs with cybernetical copies in hopes of increasing their combat potential in the wars to come, others are those who have already faced their fated enemy and lost, but even after being heavily injured, refused to give up the fight. The Lancers will run straight towards enemy tank divisions and use their unique pressurizer lances to smash them into pieces.

The Lancer's weapon is also very effective against structures, allowing them to perform quick hit'n'run raids on enemy outposts. They can additionally garrison buildings to attack from the inside. While their cybernetically enhanced nature makes Lancers uncrushable and immune to Dog and Spook bites, vulnerability to EMP and magnetic weapons is a side effect that should not be ignored.

Foehn Lancer

Additional Information:
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Can garrison civilian structures.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • Vulnerable to EMP and magnetic weapons.
Railguneer (transformation)
  • Sync'd from Lancer
  • Speed: 5
  • Hitpoints: 450
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Sync
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapons: Personal Plasma Railgun
  • Range: 7

The Lancer grows stronger when exposed to the Nanofiber Sync, and becomes the Railguneer - a powerful force that the experienced tank operators will avoid at all costs. The nanofibers enhance Railguneers' cybernetic limbs, making them capable of carrying a heavy armor design, which encompasses this warrior's body upon the Sync. The armor makes a Railguneer immune to getting crushed by the largest of tanks, but also has self-sustainability systems, which will negate the effects of EMP weapons.

Railguneer's biggest attribute however is its weapon, a personal plasma railgun which gives them an edge over the Lancers' in battle: where Lancers could not reach with their short-range pressurizer lances, the Railguneer will fire from a distance. On the other hand, the weapon's effectiveness against structures or infantry decreases in comparison to the Railguneer's original form. That is after all, the very nature of the Sync: to gain a thing, while discarding another in return.

Foehn Railguneer

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 2
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Cannot be crushed by any vehicles.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.

Foehn Engineer
  • Cost: $300
  • Speed: 6
  • Hitpoints: 90
  • Armor Class: Basic
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks
  • Purpose: Repair & Capture
  • Equipment: Bomb Defusal Kit
  • Range: Close

The Engineer did not benefit from the invention of the Nanofiber Sync and incorporation of the technology in the Foehn Revolt's arsenal, and does not acquire a second form if the Sync is applied to them.

Despite that, an Engineer's role in every army is indisputable - instant repairs of friendly structures, capture of neutral or enemy buildings, defusal of bombs planted by the enemy insurgents and capture of empty vehicles. In the wake of the unmatched war machine that is the Foehn Revolt's nanofiber-enhanced infantry divisions, the Engineer remains the important backbone of each and every one of them.

Foehn Engineer

Additional Information:
  • Creates a repair vehicle inside an IFV or Stinger.
  • Can repair destroyed bridges by entering the Bridge Repair Hut.
  • Can find and disarm Ivan, Arsonist and Repulsor bombs (Bomb Sight: 7).
  • One Engineer can capture any Tech Building, Tech Vehicle or Empty Vehicle.
  • One Engineer can capture an enemy structure when it's at 33% (red) health.
  • 2 Engineers are required to capture an enemy structure with 66% (yellow) health.
  • 3 Engineers are required to capture an enemy structure with 100% (green) health.
  • In singleplayer campaign and cooperative only 1 Engineer is required to capture anything.

  • Cost: $800
  • Speed: 7
  • Hitpoints: 240
  • Armor Class: Flak
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Nanofiber Loom
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Combat Healer, Vehicle Theft
  • Weapons: Nanite Container Gun
  • Range: 7.5 / Close (Hijacking)

The development of Foehn's unique technologies has resulted in the creation of unorthodox strategies and combat techniques, which have not been seen utilized in battle by any of the other factions before. One excellent example of this is the Huntress, who thanks to advanced weaponized nanotechnology, becomes a one-of-a-kind combat healer on the field.

The Huntress is armed with a small launcher-like gun, the major part of which consists of a rotating container. Inside of it moves a mass of nanites, which the Huntress can control and move around to a certain extent after they are released. These battle-ready nanomachines will aim for enemy infantry and tear them to pieces. Whatever reuseable materials are found in the killed trooper's suit or weapon will be picked up by the nanomachines, which will then form a cloud. The Foehn troops can enter such a cloud in order to regenerate, using the materials harvested by the nanites.

While the Huntress cannot damage vehicles directly, she can release her nanites directly into an enemy vehicle at close ranges, in order to eliminate its crew and then capture the vehicle for herself. Additionally, the Huntress.. hunts - with her advanced equipment, she will be able to see through any stealth camouflage or disguise of enemy agents, and eliminate them effortlessly if required.

Foehn Huntress

Additional Information:
  • Can hijack vehicles.
  • Can detect enemy spies.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • Can detect cloaked and submerged units (Sensors Range: 7).
  • Foehn infantry can heal in the nanoclouds created by Huntress' kills.
Deviatress (transformation)
  • Sync'd from Huntress
  • Speed: 6
  • Hitpoints: 480
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Sync
  • Purpose: Unit and Aircraft Disruption
  • Weapons: Confusion Rifle
  • Range: 10.5 / 10.5 (Anti-Air)

After a Nanofiber Sync process, the Huntress loses her speed but gains armor and an entirely new purpose on the battlefield. The nanites in her container are used up to form a portable version of the weapon used by the Irritators and Angelsharks: an advanced confusion ray.

Compared to the types of confusion ray used by the other two units, this version is precise - Deviatress can only affect one enemy unit at a time, as her rifle does not have an area of effect. She makes up for it with the weapon's long range and an enhanced targeting capability, which allows her to even target any enemy aircraft, including the mighty Kirov Airship. This weapon comes at a price - the Deviatress has no other weapons to defend herself, does not have the ability to steal vehicles like her original form, and cannot see stealthed or disguised objects anymore.

Foehn Deviatress

Additional Information:
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.

  • Cost: $950
  • Speed: 8
  • Hitpoints: 220
  • Armor Class: Flak
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Netrunner + Cyberkernel
  • Purpose: Structure Debuff
  • Weapons: Bond Breaker
  • Range: 11.5

While not an offensive unit itself, the Syncronin ideally fits as a support for the Foehn strike forces, as it complements all of its subfaction weapon design choices, whether it's Haihead's aim to deal as much damage as possible, Last Bastion's defensive weapons or Coronia's attacks from the sky.

The Syncronin has a peculiar weapon in the form of an atomic-level bond breaker, which when used on enemy structures, makes the cohesion of the materials they're built from considerably weaker. With their lowered resistance to damage, a Foehn commander can largely decrease the time necessary to destroy enemy bases. The effects of Syncronin's bond breaker are accumulative, meaning that if more than one of them targets a building, its material cohesion will weaken even more, further increasing its vulnerability.

Foehn Syncronin

Additional Information:
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • The weapon decreases building armor by 20%. The effect is stackable.
Syncronaut (transformation)
  • Sync'd from Syncronin
  • Speed: 8
  • Hitpoints: 440
  • Armor Class: Flak
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Sync
  • Purpose: Stealth Structure Debuff
  • Weapons: Area Bond Breaker
  • Range: Close

The Syncronaut is one of those transformations that does not stray away too far from the original concept, but changes the method and conditions, under which the unit can perform its tasks. When the Nanofiber Sync is used on the Syncronin, the soldier acquires the ability to become undetectable by most enemy forces and defensive structures, allowing it to infiltrate bases unnoticed.

The Syncronaut's bond breaker differs in use from its original form: it is no longer a ranged weapon, but instead can affect multiple targets at once in an area. This modification makes Syncronauts ideal for situations, in which it becomes urgent to take down several key structures inside an enemy base with a drone strike, or some sort of a superweapon. The Syncronauts will not reveal themselves even when deploying their bond breakers, however, their actions will be noticed by the enemy due to the weapon's emitting of a strong signal that's easy to pick up.

Foehn Syncronaut

Additional Information:
  • Cloaked.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • Will not reveal itself when firing its weapon.
  • The weapon decreases building armor by 20%. The effect is stackable.

  • Cost: $400
  • Speed: 6 / 10 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 200
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Any Expansion
  • Purpose: Infiltration, Infantry Stun
  • Weapons: Stun Gun / Demolition Kit
  • Range: 5.5 / Close

The Clairvoyant is an oddball among the infiltrators. It is neither a soldier nor a spy, but a weirdly shaped drone, which can benefit from the use of Spinblade with a tiny windspin drive it has mounted on its back and can traverse water zones freely. Unlike all the other infiltrators, it cannot disguise itself, but its low price and incredible speeds make it ideal for a more direct infiltration rush attempt with many Clairvoyants involved, as the chance is high that at least one of them will reach the target.

This little drone has another trick up its sleeve: it can use a short-ranged stun gun to immobilize most of enemy troops, and will also automatically use its weapon against disguised enemy infantry once it detects them. Even though the Clairvoyant is not capable of dealing damage directly, if the target remains trapped long enough, it will eventually perish on its own.

Additionally, the Clairvoyants are able to see and trap disguised enemy agents, and for further battle usability, have also been outfitted with special tools for destroying bridges whenever necessary.

When your Clairvoyant enters..
  • Enemy Barracks: All your infantry will be trained as veteran.
  • Enemy Factory: All your factory units will be produced as veteran.
  • Enemy Radar: Battlefield will be reshrouded for the radar's owner.
  • Enemy Power Plant: The owner's power will be shut down for 1:30.
  • Enemy Nuclear Reactor: The owner's power will be shut down for 2:00.
  • Enemy Ore Refinery: You will steal $5000 from the refinery's owner.
  • Enemy Ecobooster: You will see the owner's current money amount.
  • Enemy Field Bureau: The owner's acquired infantry tech will be reset.
  • Enemy Lab & ConYard: A new stolen technology unit will be unlocked.
  • Enemy Superweapon: Timer for the infiltrated superweapon will be reset.

Foehn Clairvoyant

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Vulnerable to EMP.
  • Can detect enemy spies.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Immune to poison and radiation.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Can find Ivan, Arsonist and Repulsor bombs (Bomb Sight: 7).
Duplicant (transformation)
  • Sync'd from Clairvoyant
  • Speed: 7
  • Hitpoints: 220
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Sync
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry Swarm
  • Weapons: Weaponized Nanites
  • Range: Close

The nanofibers turn Clairvoyants into little bug-like objects, who instead of infiltrating enemy structures will begin to infiltrate human bodies. The moment its Nanofiber Sync happens, the nanomachines inside the Clairvoyant's body start rapidly multiplying. This continuous process results in them requiring much more additional resources in order to last and spread.

This is why they form this weird body, the Duplicant, which will crawl towards enemy infantry in order to 'devour' them and use the collected materials for more multiplying. Keep in mind, that once a Duplicant performs its attack, it will temporarily disassemble so that it can take over another body, but if it fails to do so, the nanites will not be able to reassemble back into a Duplicant body. One Duplicant can devour more than just one enemy soldier, so if it attacks accurately, a massive chain reaction might take place.

The structure of a Duplicant is very different compared to that of the Clairvoyant's, as it is a body the nanomachines of which are only driven by the goal to multiply. Since its small tools and the windspin drive get consumed by the reprogrammed nanites, the Duplicant can neither cross water areas, or gain speed boosts near the Spinblades. However, thanks to the continuous multiplying of the nanites in its body, it becomes sturdier, and can regenerate from the damage taken relatively well.

Foehn Duplicant

Additional Information:
  • Can detect enemy spies.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Automatically heals itself.
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.
  • Not affected by firepower debuffers.
  • Immune to poison and radiation.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • The weapon does not affect Duplicant's allies' infantry.
  • Can find Ivan, Arsonist and Repulsor bombs (Bomb Sight: 7).

  • Cost: $1050
  • Speed: 30 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 250
  • Armor Class: Flak
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Cyberkernel w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapons: Plasma Cutter
  • Range: 7

This unit is unique to Haihead.

During Haihead's expeditions it quickly became apparent that pushing all of the new aircraft designs onto the Wings of Coronia divisions resulted in a significant weak point for the former. Their advanced weapons, as powerful as they were, often fell victim to ambushes by enemy long-range units, with no way to retreat. A solution was needed fast to cover this weakness in the Haihead arsenal, and it presented itself in the recovered armor design of a certain hero. Shortly after, mass production of a new flying armor based on it begun, and Neonwasps joined the Haihead ranks to support their ground units from the sky.

Neonwasps are equipped with a plasma cutter, similar to that utilized by the Neutralizers for defense. These modified downsized versions of the weapon are most effective against enemy vehicles, cutting through armor with ease, but are not as useful in fighting troops. Furthermore, compared to the other flying infantry, the Neonwasp cannot engage aircraft and should be assisted by Shadrays or Diverbees.

Haihead Neonwasp

Additional Information:
  • Automatically heals herself.

  • Cost: $1350
  • Speed: 7 / 10 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 240
  • Armor Class: Flak
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Cloud Piercer w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry
  • Weapons: Personal Air Manipulator
  • Range: 8 / Close

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

The Zorbtrotters of Coronia have taken air manipulation techniques to the extremes. It is widely believed among those who try to defeat the Foehn Revolt, that their air manipulation technology has already been miniaturized and attached to its soldiers. However, some are speculating that the powers to control the winds have manifested from within, and are not enhanced by any mechanical means, in a similar fashion Yuri's psychics can move various objects around with their minds alone. It could just be that the Zorbtrotters are taught by those who supposedly defected from the Epsilon.

What's clear is that the Zorbtrotters are lethal to any infantry, which.. needs to breathe. These soldiers can essentially deny breathable air to those who stand in their way, by creating spherical spots, from which the oxygen is removed. Zorbtrotters also control a sphere of winds around themselves, allowing them to utilize Spinblades for significant speed boosts, and lift own bodies over water.

Coronian Zorbtrotter

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Minimum Range: 1
  • Resistant to Alanqa's hurricane weapon.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
Zorbfloater (transformation)
  • Sync'd from Zorbtrotter
  • Speed: 5 / 8 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 330
  • Armor Class: Flak
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Sync
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Unit Lifting
  • Weapons: Personal Air Manipulator
  • Range: 10 / 10

This unit is unique to Wings of Coronia.

When the Zorbtrotter completes his training and is awarded with the Nanofiber Sync, he gains an ability to use a handful of nanites within his wind orb for a faster health regeneration. Maintaining this sphere while moving is a somewhat challenging task, thus Zorbfloaters on their own are not as fast as their base form.

At the cost of an increased time between the shots, the Zorbfloater can throw his air bubbles at greater ranges. Additionally, upon the sync they gain the ability to lift lighter vehicles into the air, so that their allies' anti-aircraft weapons can target and fire at them. These vehicles will be brought close and dropped near a Zorbfloater, and if they hit other units or obstacles because of the fall, will perish in the process.

Coronian Zorbfloater

Additional Information:
  • Amphibious.
  • Minimum Range: 4
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • Resistant to Alanqa's hurricane weapon.
  • Rapidly heals itself when taking damage.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Can lift all of Tier 1, Tier 2 and some Tier 3 units.
  • Cannot lift enemy vehicles from inside of a transport.
  • Can't lift any special units, naval units or amphibious transports.

  • Cost: $1300
  • Speed: 5
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Nanofiber Loom w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Tank, Anti-Aircraft, Infantry Stun
  • Weapons: 'Golden Rocket' Launcher (x2), Stun Beam
  • Range: 9 / 13 (Anti-Air) / 9

This unit is unique to Last Bastion.

The Giantsbane has been designed with only one goal: to stand his ground. Just like the Lancers, these soldiers have been given cybernetic limbs, but instead of speed, they give them strength to carry heavy, but incredibly sturdy armor and two large 'Golden Rocket' launchers, comparable to those carried by the Teratorn or the Sweepers, with one significant difference: bypassing the limitations of a small drone, the Giantsbane can effectively target both air and ground objects.

The multi-layered construction of the nanofiber-enhanced armor gave the Giantsbane the fame of being the toughest soldier on the battlefield, exceeding in durability even the likes of some of the finest Soviet cyborg prototypes. There is an additional piece of equipment within the Giantsbane armor, which has led to defeat of many soldiers, who underestimated their opponent: it is a long-range stun beam, far surpassing that of the Clairvoyant. Giantsbanes can instantly trap enemy troops, meaning that even for a hero, a one-on-one combat against a Giantsbane might end unfortunately. Eventually, even if not attacked by others, the trapped opponent will be perished by the beam.

Last Bastion Giantsbane

Additional Information:
  • Vulnerable to EMP.
  • Automatically heals himself.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.
  • Immune to Dog and Spook attacks.
  • Cannot fire from inside a transport.
  • Cannot be crushed by any vehicles.
  • Its firepower can be enhanced by 15% near a deployed SODAR Array.
Godsbane (transformation)
  • Sync'd from Giantsbane
  • Speed: 5
  • Hitpoints: 725
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Nanofiber Sync
  • Purpose: Anti-Structure, Anti-Armor
  • Weapons: Nanofiber Threads
  • Range: 10

This unit is unique to Last Bastion.

With a rich infusion of nanofibers, the Giantsbane sacrifices a bit of its armor in order to create a new, much more powerful weapon. Two additional cannons, which make it appear as if it had four arms, are formed on the sides of the soldier's torso, and the weapons they become are four highly experimental weaponized nanofiber launchers. Even though unable to hit aircraft, the nanofiber threads can pierce through armor and structures in a blink of an eye, like knife through butter, and are virtually unavoidable.

While the original form is described as capable of defeating giants, the transformed soldier might be capable of taking on the "man-made gods" themselves, thus the name of Godsbane was chosen for him.

Last Bastion Godsbane

Additional Information:
  • Minimum Range: 3
  • Automatically heals himself.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.
  • Immune to Dog and Spook attacks.
  • Cannot fire from inside a transport.
  • Cannot be crushed by any vehicles.


Fin & Alize
  • Cost: $1500 each.
  • Speed: 7 each.
  • Hitpoints: 260 each.
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Cyberkernel w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry (Fin) / Anti-Armor (Alize)
  • Weapon: Auto Sniper Rifle (Fin) / Blast Rifle (Alize)
  • Range: 8.5 / 8.5

These commandoes work for Haihead.

Within the ruins of the lost world, an unexpected event has occurred: one of the many expeditions to the other side has come across a pair of survivors: young siblings, whose minds have not yet been corrupted. A brother and sister have been found in a state of almost complete exhaustion, and it was later said that mere hours of delay would have caused their demise.

After their recovery, the two would begin to value the precious time they've been given, figuratively and literally. Taken to the Last Bastion, they've begun their training under the place's unique conditions, and during the few short years they've acquired much more experience than an average soldier could in the same period of time in the past. It is said, that among all the residents of the Last Bastion, these two understood how important the time given to them is the most, and made the best use of it.

Alize and Fin have given themselves a mission of their own: together they march forward, to eliminate any signs of threat on the path of the Haihead's counter attack. Alize uses a blast rifle, which relies on similar tech that is used to manipulate the devastating steam erupted from the Blast Furnace's trenches. These powerful controlled blasts can blow up enemy vehicles in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, Fin has mastered the use of a custom automated sniper rifle, with which he can kill multiple enemy troops at great ranges in short time. The weapon has to reload to reach its full firing speed after a series of shots, but even then Fin can continue to kill if necessary.

On the battlefield, Alize and Fin are inseperably fighting side by side. A unique nanotechnology design has been crafted to allow them to support each other directly. As long as the siblings are close they will heal each other, making them able to withstand quite a lot of enemy fire.

Fin & Alize

Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1 each.
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Automatically heal themselves.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.
  • Cannot fire from inside a transport.
  • Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles.
  • Alize can damage units inside Tank Bunkers.
  • Alize can fire through an active Blasticade.
  • Heal each other rapidly if they stay close enough.
  • Can detect cloaked and submerged units (Sensors Range: 7).

  • Cost: $1500
  • Speed: 6 / 10 (Boosted)
  • Hitpoints: 520
  • Armor Class: Plate
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Cloud Piercer w/Exp
  • Purpose: Anti-Armor
  • Weapon: Plasma Wave
  • Range: 9

This commando works for Wings of Coronia.

The marvellous Coronian heroine Eureka has appeared out of nowhere, and within a few short days of combat she has established her position on the battlefield. Whenever she approaches a tank division, its commanders immediately give orders to retreat and try to contact the nearest air force squadron available nearby. Eureka's destructive weapon lays waste to ground forces and its blinding green flash of light is quite often the last thing a soldier sees in his life.

The hefty amount of equipment Eureka carries around allows her to create wide and powerful shockwaves which, when charged, will launch towards the enemies and sweep them from the ground. Lightly armored units will most likely not survive it, while the heavier ones and infantry will be massively damaged in the process. Because of the sheer power of this weapon and it being difficult to control, Eureka usually fights alone, away from her companions, as one inaccurate shockwave could do more harm than good for the Wings of Coronia forces. However, if her presence is required by her allies, she can quickly return to them using a nifty trick - Eureka's boots are equipped with miniature windspin engines that allow her to gain speed boosts from the winds generated by the Spinblade.


Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Minimum Range: 3.5
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Immune to Dogs and Spooks.
  • Automatically heals herself.
  • Cannot fire from inside a transport.
  • Vulnerable to magnetic weapons.
  • Cannot be crushed by any vehicles.
  • Can receive speed boosts near Spinblades.
  • Can detect cloaked and submerged units (Sensors Range: 9).

  • Cost: $1500
  • Speed: 9 (Flying)
  • Hitpoints: 1050
  • Armor Class: Flak
  • Prerequisite: Foehn Barracks + Nanofiber Loom w/Exp
  • Purpose: Assault, Anti-Air
  • Weapon: Plasma Bombs
  • Range: 12 / 14 (Anti-Air)

This commando works for Last Bastion.

Because of his appearance and immensity, Uragan has once been christened as the guardian spirit of the Last Bastion base. Even though he looks and sounds menacing, Uragan is a young sub-routine of the long-established VOLKNET A.I. that runs most of the Last Bastion's command, intelligence and security systems, and has actually been created during the very last phase of the Bastion's base operations.

While Foehn's mechanized units, which rely on plasma weaponry, require large amounts of advanced apparatus to make the weapons themselves work effectively, if at all, Uragan's entire artificial body has been designed with the sole purpose of generating multiple powerful plasma projectiles, with almost no time or resources required in comparison. These projectiles are very effective against all types of targets, including aircraft, but deal the most damage to structures. The Last Bastion does not have a dedicated artillery weapon, which is why they employ several alternative options to deal with enemy settlements at their doorsteps, Uragan being one of the most effective ones. Slow, but sturdy enough to withstand plenty of enemy anti-aircraft fire, he is a force to be reckoned with.


Additional Information:
  • Build Limit: 1
  • Immune to mind control.
  • Immune to confusion rays.
  • Automatically heals himself.

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